Load MARC records
After preparing the import file, learn how to load MARC records into OLIB.
After configuring the MARC Mapping, including any Holdings data, you are ready to load the batch of records.
If importing a large batch of records, the Keyword indexer should be disabled prior to import and the index recreated afterwards.
It is also important that the Normalise Server is running.
- Go to Data Exchange> Import Batch.
- Search for the Import Batch record you created with the attached import file.
- Display the details and in Files to Import click in the check box.
- In Actions select Process to obtain the Process menu.
- Select Load to start importing the data. Optionally, if you also check Debug Mode OLIB will also create debug and trace information (subsequently visible in System Administration> Trace Information).
- Acknowledge the message: The data load has been scheduled for immediate processing. (Job No: 2209) OK. (The job number varies).
- The batch works through 4 statuses displayed in the Files to Import: Status – Parsing, Converting, Loading & Loaded (or possibly, Failed) – although for small batches you may not see all these stages. There are a number of ways you can check the progress of an import.
- On completion of the batch you can search the records in the Titles domain to review them, for example by filtering on Record Source.
It is recommended that you check the import log for any possible errors associated with the batch.