Create the MARC batch
After you have set OLIB reference data, next you will need to set up the import settings for the records to be imported. From the Data Exchange section of the menu, launch an Import Batch search.
There is no need to search for an existing batch – create a new record.
Make a note of the Batch number as you will need this to retrieve the batch later.
Complete the description field as this will make it easier to identify batches at a later date.
Set the MARC Variant field to E-Books MARC.
You will probably not want these new records to be linked to existing records – set the Match Flag to MARC field to MARC: Match on RCN (RCN = Record Control Number).
For this file the RCN is held in the 001 tag – so set the Import RCN field to 001. (You need to do this before linking the file to the batch record).
Set the Modify Flag field as appropriate – MARC: Add only new records.
The next step is to add the files to import - click on the New link under the Files to Import field.
This will open the same screen which you use when cataloguing websites and linked documents. Set the Type field to MARC Exchange file.
Please note that the In Database and Import Now? options must both be set to Yes.
Check the File check box to select a new file – click Save and Close.
Browse for the file to be loaded.
Insert the file by highlighting it and clicking on Open. Once the file is attached, click Save and Close.
You will be returned to the Batch record -the file to import is now attached.
Now set the Auth Default, Data Entered by and Batch Entered by fields. This information will pull through to the OLIB title record.
Next, select the Class Scheme for your library from the drop down list in the Preferred Class Schemes: First field. This identifies the field from which the primary classmark will be imported. Here Dewey Decimal is selected.
The completed batch record should look like this.
Save and Close the batch record.