Additional fields in the catalogue

Learn about additional fields that can be added for the catalogue record in OLIB.

Using Layout Manager, the system manager can provide extra fields to the Titles layout if required. The benefit of these fields is that as well as providing more fields for data input and display, you can choose to index the Notes fields for the Keyword search and display them in Webview; Yes/No fields can be used for filtering searches (and you can rename the filter); Lookup fields allow you to do all these things. In addition, Cross Referenced By means that you can more easily remove Title cross references. The system manager can also add fields for Publication /Place hints, and "Favourite" sequence for these.


Many more free text Note fields can be added to the Titles layout (30 + fields are available) and Authors layout. In Layout Manager they appear with generic names Note 1, Note 2 and so on, but they can be configured to include your own field label when displayed e.g. Local Information. Once added you can enter up to 2000 characters into these Notes fields.

In addition Layout Manager also includes Notes (internal) for the Titles layout. This can contain any number of internal notes that are not displayed in the OPAC and not output as part of a MARC21 export.

Yes / no fields

20 of these fields are also available and the system manager can use them to extend the Titles layout. They are generic fields that appear in Layout Manager as Yes/No 1, Yes/No 2 etc., and that you can label as required, e.g. Check Parts Y/N. They have a Yes/No drop down that the cataloguer can select from, (if the cataloguer leaves blank, this is treated as 'No' in the database).

Look up fields

The generic Lookup fields allow you to set up your own reference data within OLIB, so that you can then choose that data from a combo box. You create your own reference data in Cataloguing Reference Data> User Defined Ref Data:

  1. Run a wildcard search to see the Lookup Categories e.g. Lookup Category 1.
  2. Click New Record to create your own reference data, for example a list of Genres.
  3. In the input screen select e.g. Lookup Category 1.
  4. In Key enter e.g. CRI.
  5. In Lookup Value enter e.g. Crime. This is the value that appears in the drop down.
  6. Using Lookup Category 1, repeat for other genres, e.g. Science Fiction, Romance, Western etc..

Next the system manager needs to add the Generic Lookup 1 field to the Titles layout, labelling it e.g. Genre. In the Titles layout this is the field name.

Once the layout has been saved you can use this field to add the required data to the Title - the above genres will all appear in the drop down.

Cross referenced by

In order to remove a cross reference, the links from both linked titles must be removed if the titles are cross-referenced using a reverse link type (e.g. See Also as opposed to See). If the cataloguer will need to remove many of these cross references then the Cross Referenced By field would be useful. The system manager can add it to the Titles domain using Layout Manager. When you create a Title cross reference link, the Cross References field displays the other Title(s) cross referenced from the current record. The Cross Referenced By field allows you to access that Title easily in order to then delete the remaining link as shown in Title Cross References.


Publisher and place fields based on author

OLIB includes configuration options to enable it to suggest publisher and/or places of publication based on the authors assigned to the title.

OLIB includes configuration options to enable it to suggest publisher and/or places of publication based on the authors assigned to the title.

To implement this, the Title Publication layout can be extended to include drop down lists for publishers and places that are associated with other titles that are linked to the authors for the title being catalogued.

  1. In the Titles domain search for a record and click on the value in Publication.
  2. On the Publication Details sheet in Sheet Actions, click Create Draft.
  3. Modify the draft and add the new attributes:

When the cataloguer uses the Publication Details layout, Publisher Hints will display below the Publisher, and Place Hints below the Place. When the cataloguer clicks the Hints drop down, a relevant list of values displays ready for selection.

Favourite sequence

The above lists can be extended by setting a value for Favourite Sequence in the publisher or place record. When the cataloguer works with Publisher / Place data:

  • a negative value in Favourite Sequence  will always present this publisher record and it will appear above any publishers that are associated with the authors that are linked to the title
  • a positive value in Favourite Sequence  will add this publisher to the end of the list (depending on the list limit below)

Publication/place rapid entry

The system manager can also use Layout Manager to add any of the following attributes directly in the Titles domain. These allow for more rapid entry of publication details:

  • Place Hints (ti_place_hints)
  • Publisher Hints (ti_publisher_hints)
  • Publication Date Entry (ti_pub_tdate)
  • Add Publication Line Button (ti_imprint_add)

Limit the length of the publisher / place list in OLIB Defaults

The length of the Publisher / Place list can be limited in OLIB Defaults.

  1. Go to System Administration> OLIB Defaults: Cataloguing Defaults.
  2. Enter a number in either of these fields to limit the list length:
  • No. Of Places Of Publication To Suggest
  • No. Of Publishers To Suggest

Both fields default to 5 if you do not enter any value.

Author designation

The system manager can add the author designation field using Layout Manager:

Suggested placement for example - following Surname, Forename, Initials.

When added, this field is visible in the Names hit list and in the Names section of Title details:

Homer (Ancient Greek)                    (Author)