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OCLC Support

Why are my embedded EZproxy links generating SAML errors


Error messages similar to 

 SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse must be present as query string parameters in HTTP request for SAML Redirect binding  when clicking video embedded links

  1. Login into EZproxy before clicking any embedded links in web pages
Additional information

When the links are embedded into another web page,  the source of the login request to the SSO system is changed, and the SSO does understand the login request.

If getting the message found in the cookie.htm page try adding a link like this in the cookie.htm.

<a href="^L?url=^{HTMLEncode(login:url)}" target="_site">CLICK HERE</a>

This will open the proxied link on a new page and should get the user signed into EZproxy to allow access.

If hosted by OCLC, reach out to OCLC Support to get the cookie.htm file to edit it.

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