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I wish to know the balances owing as a summary by financial type

Applies to
  • Amlib Borrower Reports

A report template exists in your Amlib Reports folder that can be created in Main > Reports > RepAddNew as a Borrower (List) Financial style. If this is not yet created for you please contact OCLC Support.

  1. Go to Main > Reports > RepBorrower.
  2. Click F1 New.
  3. Highlight the Borrower Owing by Type (&bofinto.qrp) template (as named when created in RepAddNew).
  4. Click Select.
  5. Enter a description and click F3 Save.For example, Owing summary by Financial Type.
  6. Click F7 Where.
  7. Highlight Transactions Owing from Box 1. Click the > Operator from Box 2 and enter 0 in Box 3 and click Paste.
  8. Highlight Owing from Box 1. Click the  > Operator from Box 2 and enter 0 in Box 3 and click Paste.
  9. Enter any other Where parameters that are required. For example, to target a particular Location or Transaction Date range etc.
  10. Save the Where parameters with F3 Save.
  11. This report is split into Financial Types so it is essential to sort the list by Financial Type as the primary Sort Option. Click F9 Order. Arrow across Financial Type, then Surname and lastly BorBarNo. Click F3 Save.
  12. Click F8 View to check the report. It will show the following:
    • Name
    • Borrower Type
    • Amount owed
    • Amount paid
    • Amount remaining
    • The Totals for each Financial Type displayed
    • The Grand Total at the end of the report for the amount still outstanding.
Additional information
  • Transactions Owing is a special parameter (shown in blue) and cannot be the only Where parameter
  • This report is suitable for both Double and Single line accounting
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