I want to set up to disallow items to be renewed if they are overdue via SIP2 Manager for my diy loan kiosks
Applies to
- Amlib SIP2 Manager
- Amlib DIY loan kiosk
You need to have a parameter set within the relevant incidence and ensure that the relevant messages use this parameter.
This parameter only needs to exist on the Parameter table. Leave as a Constant source and will be checked at the time if it is chosen as a parameter to check.
The Parameter is in the standard set of 3M parameters but if you need to add it as a new parameter follow these steps:
- Highlight the relevant instance and select Edit Parameters.
- Press F1 New.
- Enter the description Allow Renew of Overdue item.
- Enter the message: This item is overdue and may not be renewed.
- Set the main Type to be Item.
- Enter the Source Type to be Constant.
- Set the Null Value to be Not Allowed.
- Enter Y in the Source Value.
- Set the Target Type to be String Value.
- Set the Operator to be Equal.
- Enter Y in the Target Value.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
Edit the relevant Messages (for example 12,30,66) to use this Parameter to Check.
Additional information
- Ensure the Messages do not use the Parameter to Process "RenewOverdueItem" as that will cause a conflict with the parameter and items that are overdue will still be renewed