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Access Restrictions

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Access Restrictions word (rs:) and phrase (rs=) indexes.

Use this index to search for notes about the restrictions imposed on access to material, including the legal, physical, or procedural restrictions imposed on individuals wishing to see the described materials (classifiedconfidential, and so on) or data taken from a standardized list indicating the level or type of restriction (such as no online access).

Word (rs:)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label rs:
Search? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Browse? --- --- --- ---
Examples rs: unrestricted  
Fields/Subfields 506 a f  
Qualifier index? No  
  • Subfield a can contain a full description of access restrictions in free text.
  • Subfield f can contain phrases from a controlled vocabulary established in Standardized Terminology for Access Restrictions whether or not access restrictions exist.
  • In WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery, this index contains data from your local holdings records.
  • Subfield a can contain a full description of access restrictions in free text.
  • Subfield f can contain phrases from a controlled vocabulary established in Standardized Terminology for Access Restrictions whether or not access restrictions exist.
Phrase (rs=)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label rs=
Search? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Browse? --- --- --- ---
Examples rs=unrestricted online access
Fields/Subfields 506 a f
Qualifier index? No
  • Subfield a can contain a full description of access restrictions in free text.
  • Subfield f can contain phrases from a controlled vocabulary established in Standardized Terminology for Access Restrictions whether or not access restrictions exist.
  • Performs an unanchored phrase search.