WorldShare Record Manager videos
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Get started with WorldShare Record Manager
Searching WorldCat: Basic searching
Searching WorldCat: Advanced searching
Searching WorldCat: Expert searching
Edit bibliographic data
Field strings, text strings and constant data
Creating labels
Local bibliographic data
Control headings
Original cataloging
Replacing WorldCat bibliographic records
MARC bibliographic basics
MARC authority records
Local holdings records
Create and edit local holdings records for single part monographs in text view
Create and edit local holdings records for multi-part monographs in text view
Create and edit local holdings records for serials in text view
Create and edit local holdings records for single part monographs in MARC21
Create and edit local holdings records for multi-part monographs in MARC21
Create and edit local holdings records for serials in MARC21
Local holdings records for WMS libraries
Using record work lists to edit local holdings records
Edit or remove Shared Print commitments
NACO functionality
Record Manager NACO Functionality
Simplified cataloging interface
Simplified cataloging: Search WorldCat
Simplified cataloging: Labels
Simplified cataloging: User preferences