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OCLC Support

How do I request a WSKey?

Applies to

  • APIs


To request a WSKey you will need to complete the API application form:

  1. Go to OCLC WSKey Management > Request a WSkey
  2. Choose one of the Community Applications shown or click Request a Custom Key. 
  3. Fill out the form and submit it.

Once completed, your WSKey request will be reviewed to make sure you have the requisite subscriptions. If you do, the WSKey will be sent directly to you.

If you would like a sandbox key for the Metadata API, please request a production key and a sandbox key will be included with it.
If you would like a sandbox key for the Authorization Server (IDM) please proceed as described here.

Businesses with no WorldShare account wanting a WSKey to use APIs should contact with a description of their project to be considered for OCLC's Partner Program

Unfortunately, we do not provide WSKeys or API access to students or other individuals.

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