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OCLC Support

Why is the message "Please visit your library to get this item" appearing above our library's availability?

  • The message "Please visit <your library> to get this item" appears above the availability statement
Applies to
  • WorldCat Discovery

That message displays depending upon a series of factors. All of the following must occur for it to appear in that form:

  • The item is held by the library
  • The library is not in a group
  • Item availability/holding information is present
  • There is no place hold button at level 1
  • The item is circulating, but it is not available online (856 links from the OPAC, 856 WorldCat record, LHRs or KB)
  • There is no ILL button set to show
  • The correct required setting in your column options in the Grid found here : WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > OPAC Statuses, Locations and Circulation Policies > Item Availability from OPAC > is incorrect, which causes this message and blocks the Place Hold button from displaying.
Additional information

There are many system messages in WorldCat Discovery. You can get a list of them and what causes them to appear.

See Column Options  for more information about this setting.  

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