We are finding “Access online” linking buttons to titles that we do not own or subscribe to.

Applies to

The access online link could be coming from the MARC 856 URL in the record. To prevent 856 links from non-WorldCat records from appearing, you will need to change your institution's setting within the Service Configuration.

  1. Navigate to the Service Configuration and log in

  2. Click into WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Full text and Open Access Links > WorldCat Local Search Results // WorldCat Discovery Search Results and Detailed Views

  3. Scroll down to the section labeled "Links from non-WorldCat Record 856"

  4. Deselect the checkbox

  5. Click "Save"

Note: Deselecting these links will not only remove the link from the record you are looking at, but also for any other records that are pulling in 856 links from non-WorldCat records.

Other WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Full text and Open Access Links settings to consider

Links from DOI

If the link is still appearing, check for "DOI" in other fields (e.g. 024). Test the DOI in the field to see if it matches the site to which the button resolves. If they match, remove the field from the record.

Links from WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway

Check the record's MARC data for field 856 40.  In 856 40 subfield $x look for the words: "This 856 field was generated using the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway". 

Note: Records added through Digital Collection Gateway are expected to be Open Access records.

Government and Educational documents

If the link is still appearing, check to see if it is a Government or Educational document. Links that are classified as Government or Educational will always appear as Open Access links.  When the Government and Educational documents setting is selected, WorldCat Discovery is only checking two things:  First, is the URL a government URL? And, second, are the first and second indicators of the MARC 856 field 4 and 0,1,2 respectively?

If these steps do not remove the access online link, please contact OCLC Support

Additional Information


WorldCat Discovery integrations allow for 3rd party data to be sourced as the access online link see:

LibKey integration allows for Discovery to display the text Access Online in search results.

WorldCat Discovery can surface Access Online links from the DOI service unpaywall.

What are some tips to identify elink sources in WorldCat Discovery?

How can I tell if a link is from the WorldCat Knowledgebase or is a DOI link?


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