What are some tips to identify elink sources in WorldCat Discovery?

Applies to

The following are methods that can be used to help identify the source of a link.


The screenshots below show an example of checking the MARC 856 field and then hovering over the Access Online link to check the URL is matching from the MARC



Note: Not all 856 links will surface on a record. When they do you can use the method above to confirm.

DOI Links - Will always appear after any KB Links or 856 links. They typically fall into 1 of 3 buckets:

The example screenshots below are of a DOI informed by 856 field.  They show an example of checking the MARC 856 field and then hovering over the Access Online link to check the URL is matching from the MARC

LibKey Links - Mouse Hover over the Access Online button. Check to confirm the URL contains "libkey"
Unpaywall links- If the DOI link does not match the above scenarios, it is likely from Unpaywall.

Additional information

How can I tell if a link is from the WorldCat Knowledge Base or is a DOI link?

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