How do I subscribe to the WorldCat Discovery Listserv?
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
Please contact OCLC Support if you wish to subscribe to the WorldCat Discovery listserv.
You can leave the list at any time by sending a “SIGNOFF WORLDCAT-DISCOVERY-L” command to the specific email address LISTSERV@OCLCLISTS.ORG. Type this command in the body of the email.
If you are still having trouble unsubscribing, please email OCLC Order services with the following information.
In the subject line, please include WCD DELETE/REMOVE from listserv.
In the body of the email, include the OCLC symbol, Reg ID, and location name.
In the body, include members first and last name.
Member’s email address associated with the listserv.
The phrase “Please unsubscribe/remove member to WorldCat Discovery Listserv”.
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