All searches using our search box result in messages that say "One or more databases selected are no longer available at your institution" or ""The following databases are not available to this institution"
- At the top of the search results, you see the message, "One or more databases selected are no longer available at your institution."
- On the Advanced Search page, you see the message, "The following databases are not available to this institution: 10008, displayName:null, description:null, externalCollection:null, collections:null, deleted:false)."
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
These error messages occur when one or more databases included in the search box's configuration are no longer available. This can happen when a collection is deselected in Collection Manager, but isn't removed from the search box configuration.
To resolve this issue, remove the missing databases from the database group that your search box uses:
- Go to OCLC Service Configuration > Metasearch Content > Default Databases and Licensed Content > Group Configured Databases
- Remove the databases that are no longer available from the group that your search box uses.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
This error is not limited to search boxes. It can also include searches that are re-run from saved searches, search history, search alerts, or a bookmarked URL.