See OCLC's Bibliographic Standards and Formats for more information. To learn more about WorldCat Discovery maps local bibliographic data (LBD) and local holdings records (LHRs) to OCLC MARC tags, see Display local data.
See Item Details Settings for instructions on customizing how data from MARC records, including local bibliographic data (LBD), displays to library users when they view item details information for records in the Discovery interface.
When the item is cataloged using non-Latin characters, transliterations for the Title and Summary/Abstract fields will appear in the bibliographic record. The transliterated summary is available via the Alternates Exist link.
Bibliographic data appears in two areas of the interface:
Note: Search relevance indicators highlight matching search terms in the result entries. If you add an index label to your search terms, the relevant subject entries will also display in the result set.
Type of information | Interface label | Example | WorldCat MARC field/subfield | Notes |
Title | Unlabeled | Global Warming | 245 a, b, f, g, k, n, p, s | |
Author Issuing body |
by | by Sara P. Birdson (Author), Simon Lane (Editor) |
Primary authors:
Secondary authors:
Summary | Summary: | Summary: This second edition of the widely praised Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology, features... | 520 a, b, c | Indicator 1 NOT EQUAL to 3, display label should be "Summary." |
Abstract | Abstract: | Abstract: | 520 a, b, c | Indicator 1 EQUAL to 3, display label should be "Abstract." |
Type of information | Interface label | Example | WorldCat MARC field/subfield | Notes |
Publication information | Publication: | Publication: Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, 2014. | 260 a, b, c; 261 f, a, d; 262 a, b, d; 264 a, b, c; 362 a | On 264 the 2nd indicator must have a value of 1 to display any portion of this data. |
Format (icon; text) | Unlabeled | [Icon] eBook 2012 | See WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery indexes page for details of format type values. | Values assigned by OCLC based on bib format and material type. |
Publication Date | Unlabeled | [Icon] eBook 2012 | 260 c; 261 d; 262 d; 264 c; 008 | On 264 the 2nd indicator must have a value of 1 to display 264c. The 008 is the last field checked if none of the others exist. |
Peer-review indicator if peer-reviewed (icon; text) | Unlabeled | [Icon] Article 2012 | [Icon] Peer-reviewed | N/A | Flag set by xISSN service. |
Source / Journal (Publication/ Journal name, volume, issue) | Unlabeled | Science Teacher Jan2012, Vol. 79 Issue 1, p72 | 773 t, g; 799 t, m, p, o, g | The Source label displays as Journal when viewing article citations. |
OCLC Number (Staff view only.) |
OCLC Number: | OCLC Number: 4803058909 | 001 a | Displayed in brief item detail for staff view only. In the patron view, OCLC number is included in the item description. |
Database Name | Database: | Database: Academic Search Premier | N/A | Provided by database publisher. |
Names of other databases | Other Databases: | Other Databases: | N/A | This represents when an article is in multiple databases and the databases are configured by the library. The database name is hotlink to the record. |
Edition Statement | Edition: | Edition: 2nd ed. | 250 a | |
Extent of Item - Physical Description | Physical description: | Physical description: 1 online resource (xx, 591 pages) : illustrations | 300 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, 3 | |
More Author / Title Information | More Author / Title Information | sixteen designs by Albrecht Durer, with accompanying text selected from the Revelation of Saint John the Divine, with an introductory note by F. Carrington | 245 c | Created in collaboration with the Music OCLC Users Group, additional responsibility information used to differentiate individuals' relationship to a work. The additional responsibility includes composer, librettist, arranger, and performer(s), among others. |
Language | Language: | Language: English | 008 bytes 35-37 | |
WorldCat Entity | WorldCat Entity: | View on WorldCat Entities William Faulkner |
100 1 110 1 700 1 710 1 |
Click on View on WorldCat Entities to open a new browser tab that takes the user to the corresponding WorldCat Entities page for that author. Staff users may sign in to OCLC Meridian® from the WorldCat Entities sign in prompt. Refer to WorldCat Entities for more information. |
ISBN | ISBN: | ISBN: 9781118780602 1118780604 | 020 a | |
ISSN | ISSN: | ISSN: | 022 a, 490 x, 773 x, 776 x | |
OCLC Number | OCLC Number: | OCLC Number: 4803058909 | 001 a | In staff view, OCLC number displays in brief item detail. |
Library of Congress Control Number | LCCN: | LCCN: | 010 a | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | DOI: |
DOI: |
856 u |
DOIs are designed to provide actionable, interoperable, and persistent links to digital objects. See Links from DOI for more information. |
Uniform title (hyper-linked) | Uniform title: | Uniform title: Traumdeutung. English | 130 a, d, f, g, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t; 240 a, d, f, g, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s; 730 a, d, f, g, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t | The subfields will be displayed in the order in which they are entered in the data. |
Other Relationship Entry | Related Item: | Related Item: | 787 i, t, g | |
Series (hyper-linked) | Series: | Series: The Modern library of the world's best books | 490 a, x, v; 800 a, b, c, d, e, g, k, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, v, x; 810 a, b, c, d, e, g, k, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, v, x; 811 a, c, d, e, g, k, n, o, p, s, t, v, x; 830 a, d, f, g, k, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, v, x | |
Table of Contents | Contents: | Contents: Culture and behavior -- Structure and system -- Function and environment... | 505 a, t, r, g | The subfields are displayed in the order they are entered in the data. |
Exhibitions where material has been shown | Exhibitions: | For item at National Institutes of Health Library NIH library Plate Exhibited: "From Craft to Profession: The Transition from Horse Farrier to Professional Veterinarian," HMD Reading Room, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Md., July 11, 2011- January 24, 2012. |
585 a, 3, 5 | The display of the 585 in WorldCat Discovery will include the name of the institution referenced by the valid MARC organizational code as it is stored in OCLC systems. |
Subjects (hyper-linked) | Subjects: |
Subjects: Library of Congress Subject Headings |
600 a, b, c, d, n, v, x, y, z; 610 a, b, d, n, v, x, y, z; 611 a, c, d, n, v, x, y, z; 630 a, d, e, f, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, v, x, y, z; 650 a, b, x, y, z; 651 a, x, y, z | The subfields are displayed in the order they are entered in the data. |
More Information | More information: | More information: Table of Contents Contributor biographical information Publisher description |
856 u, y, 3 |
1st indicator 4, 2nd indicator 1 or 2. |
Genre | Genre: | Genre: Electronic books. | 655 a, b, v; 380 a; 600 v; 610 v; 611 v; 630 v; 648 v; 650 v; 651 v; 654 v; and 653 a (if 2nd indicator = 6) | |
Restriction on Access | Restriction on Access: | 506 a | Any restrictions which might impact access or availability for either direct borrowing or ILL. | |
Type of computer file or data | Type of computer file or data: | Type of computer file or data: Text | 516 a | Data type or note, such as Numeric, Kurzweil, Text (Law reports and digests). |
Target Audience | Target Audience: | 521 a | Audience level for works like textbooks. | |
Original Version | Original Version: | 534 b, c, e, f, t, z, p | The original publication in cases of a reproduction. | |
System Details | System Details: | System Details: Files in PDF format. | 538 a | The system requirements for electronic formats. |
Credits | Credits: | Credits: | 508 a | |
Cast Note (based on indicator value) | Cast: | Cast: | 511 a | Indicator 1 EQUAL to 1, display label should be "Cast." |
Performer Note (based on indicator value) | Performers: | Performers: Joan Morris, mezzo-soprano ; William Bolcom, piano. |
511 a | Indicator 1 NOT EQUAL to 1, display label should be "Performers." |
Date/Time/Place of an Event Notes (used to be called: Production Notes) | Event Notes: | Event Notes: | 518 a, d, o, p, 3 | Label changed from "Production Notes." The subfields are displayed in the order they are entered in the data. |
Musical Presentation Statement | Musical Presentation Statement: | Musical Presentation Statement: | 254 a | |
Cartographic Mathematical Data | Cartographic Mathematical Data: | Cartographic Mathematical Data: | 255 a, b, c | |
Computer File Characteristics | Computer File Characteristics: | Computer File Characteristics: | 256 a | |
Number of musical instruments or voices | Number of musical instruments or voices: | Number of musical instruments or voices: Keyboard - Piano(01) Voices - Mezzo Soprano(01) Keyboard - Piano(01) |
048 a, b | When the 382 field is present, the 048 field will not display. For more detail about how information this field displays, see 048 Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Code (R). |
Medium of Performance | Instrumentation: | Instrumentation: violin (2); viola; cello; Total Performers: 4. | 382 b, a, d, p, v, n, s |
Alternate instruments display with: OR Doubling instruments display with a forward slash: / Notes display within brackets: [] |
Numeric Designation of Musical Work | Numeric Designation of Musical Work: | Numeric Designation of Musical Work: | 383 a,b,c | |
Key | Key: | Key: | 384 a | |
Scale Note for Graphic Material | Scale note for Graphical Material: | Scale note for Graphical Material: | 507 a,b | |
Notes | Notes: | Notes: 45 Valorizing the Present: Orientalism, Postcoloniality and the Human Sciences. | 500 a; 501a | Locally relevant notes from local bibliographic data (LBD) fields also display in the Notes field. The description includes the institution name. |
Dissertation | Dissertation: | Dissertation: | 502 a, b, c, d, g, o | |
Bibliography | Bibliography: | Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references and index. | 504 a | |
Digital Graphic Representation | Graphic Representation: | Graphic Representation: | 352 a, b, c, i, q | The subfields are displayed in the order they are entered in the data. |
Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note | Use and Reproduction Note: | Use and Reproduction Note: | 540 3, a, b, c, d, u; | |
Ownership and Custodial History Note | Ownership and Custodial History Note: | Ownership and Custodial History Note: | 561 a, 3, 5 | If first indicator has value of 0, do not display 561 field or subfields. If first indicator has value of anything other than 0, do display the field and subfields. |
Preceding Entry | Preceding Entry: | Preceding Entry: | 780 a, t, x |
1st indicator 0, subfields a then t, or just a or just t. 1st indicator 1, use 580 a. |
Succeeding Entry | Succeeding Entry: | Succeeding Entry: | 785 a, t, x |
1st indicator 0, subfields a then t, or just a or just t. 1st indicator 1, use 580 a. |
Fingerprint Identifier | Fingerprint Identifier: | Fingerprint Identifier: n,n,hech,n,ff fft, C 1657A |
026 a, b, c, d, e, 2 |
The fingerprint identifier will display in two ways in WorldCat Discovery, depending on which MARC data has been populated in the bibliographic record: If the 026 field has subfields a, b, c, and d, those values will display followed by the subfield 2 if it exists. |
Physical Medium | Physical Medium: |
Physical Medium: plastic |
340 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o 1 6
Biographical or Historical Data | Biographical or Historical Data: |
Biographical or Historical Data: |
545 a b u 6
Subfield u will display as a clickable link. |
Authenticated staff members have the option to view the MARC record from the MARC View entry in the item description. This feature is available for libraries that maintain up-to-date holdings in WorldCat and have an OCLC cataloging or CatExpress subscription.
Select the MARC Record link to expand the MARC record view. An option is available to view a printer-friendly version of the record.
Run time: 7:10
This video reviews bibliographic and other information found in WorldCat Discovery search results and on item details.