WorldCat Discovery release notes, Special July 2021
Release Date: July 29, 2021
This special release of WorldCat Discovery addresses recent issues with the modernized interface, including:
- Resolves the errors for searches using “and* or “apa*
- Improvements to Report a broken link inquiries to a user’s institution
- Display of availability dates in the format of a searcher’s selected language
- Appropriate availability will now display in WorldCat Discovery premium when there is no item location
Follow-up actions
In an effort to keep your staff informed of changes, you may want to review these bug fixes with your staff.
Bug fixes
Resolves the errors for searches using “and* or “apa*
We have resolved some errors in the modernized interface when using *, ‘and’ and ‘apa’ in a search. With this release, searches will be successful in the modernized interface as they are today in the current WorldCat Discovery interface. These problems were recently reported by several institutions using the modernized interface. Some examples are provided below.
- Using ‘and’ in your search. Searches that began with the characters ‘and’ were not bringing back results. These will now be successful.
- KW: Andrew Lloyd Weber
- Andrea Bocelli
- and then there were none
2. Using ‘apa’ as the only term in your search. Searches for the term ‘apa’ were not returning results. After this install this search will be successful.
- Apa
3. Searches using an asterisk * in the beginning of your search were failing. These will be resolved with this release.
- *energy
- Green AND b8:*stacks used to find all items with green and shelving location(s) including ‘stacks’
- Asterisk * used alone in the search box, with filters, to find all print books in a specific branch
Improvements to Report a broken link inquiries to a user’s institution
We have changed the content of the email sent when an end user reports a broken link in the modernized interface and requests assistance. With this release, the contact information for the user reporting the broken link will be included in the email. Follow-up Requested and the user’s name will appear in the subject of the email, and their email address will be included in the content of the email. This change will allow you to provide the appropriate level of service to your users.
Display of availability dates in the format of a searcher’s selected language
Prior to this release, some users reported that the WorldCat Discovery modernized interface was not correctly showing localized due dates for their supported language. After this release, all supported languages will display the correct mm/dd/yyyy format local to their region.
Appropriate availability will now display in WorldCat Discovery premium when there is no item location
WorldCat Discovery Premium institutions (Non-WMS institutions with availability) that display availability in WorldCat Discovery but did not have a shelving location associated with an item reported seeing an “Oops” error page in the modernized interface. We have improved the modernized interface to display correctly when this information is not present in the availability response as demonstrated in the image below.
Important links
Support website(s)
Support information for this product and related products can be found at:
- WorldCat Discovery support resources
- WorldCat Discovery training
- Release notes
- OCLC Community Center
- Browser compatibility chart
- Contact OCLC Support