What do I do if my work has a different author's name in the record?
- A record in WorldCat.org shows incorrect information about the work.
If you are an author or a library patron: write down the OCLC Number for the title and note the item's error, then report it to your local library staff.
If you are a non-cataloging librarian, do one of the following :
- Report the OCLC Number and the problem to your library's cataloging staff
- If the issue is with author heading information, reference Instructions and Guidelines for Reporting WorldCat Bibliographic and Authority Record Changes or Duplicates and report the issue to OCLC's authfile@oclc.org staff
- If the issue is with any other field in the bibliographic record, reference Instructions and Guidelines for Reporting WorldCat Bibliographic and Authority Record Changes or Duplicates and report the issue to OCLC's bibchange@oclc.org staff
If you are a cataloger working with a record that won't let you make a change, you can check the Member Capabilities documentation to identify why you can't edit the record. To report the needed change to OCLC, do one of the following :
- If the issue is with author heading information, reference Instructions and Guidelines for Reporting WorldCat Bibliographic and Authority Record Changes or Duplicates and report the issue to OCLC's authfile@oclc.org staff
- If the issue is with any other field in the bibliographic record, reference Instructions and Guidelines for Reporting WorldCat Bibliographic and Authority Record Changes or Duplicates and report the issue to OCLC's bibchange@oclc.org staff
Note: Be sure to review instructions to know when you will have to submit proof.