Stopwords in WorldCat derived key searching
Find a list of stopwords used in WorldCat FirstSearch searching.
Stopwords are words which are so common in a database that they have little informational value. Stopwords are ignored by FirstSearch for:
- a derived key search for corporate and conference names
- the name portion of a derived deyword name/title search
All other expert searches process all words entered for the search.
Corporate/conference name stopwords
Omit the following words from corporate/conference name searches up to the first non-stopword in the name. Include stoplist words thereafter. If all the words in the corporate/conference name are listed as stopwords, then for that name there are no stopwords.
derived key corporate stopwords | |||
& a A Alabama Alaska American an and Arizona Arkansas Association at Australia Board Bureau California Canada College Colloquium Colorado Commission Committee Commonwealth Conference Congress Connecticut Council Department |
Dept. Division East Federal Florida for France Georgia Great Britain Hawaii House Idaho Illinois in India Indiana Institute Institution International Iowa Joint Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mainen Maryland Massachusetts Meeting |
Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana National Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North North Carolina North Dakota of Office Ohio Oklahoma on Oregon Organization Parliament Pennsylvania Rhode Island School Seminar Senate |
Society South South Carolina South Dakota State Subcommittee Symposium Tennessee Texas the U. N. U.N. United Nations United States U. S. U.S. University Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West West Virginia Wisconsin Workshop Wyoming |