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OCLC Support

Patrons getting an error message when they try to add their account to the app

  • Patron receives a pop-up error when attempting to enter their barcode and pin in the app. Examples errors that appear when signing in might include:

Error: The credentials provided are invalid,  please try again. If this error persists, please contact the library (both iOS and Android)

Error: There was an error connecting to the system. Please try again later. (Android)

Error: An HTTP Error Occurred. See status code for details. (iOS)

Applies to
  • Capira
  • CapiraMobile

Here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

Phone and App:

  1. Make sure the phone is using the most up to date operating system.
  2. Go to the App Store(s) and update the Capira App if needed.
  3. Try deleting and adding the account to the app again.

Patron Barcode and ILS Account:

  1. Make sure the barcode and pin are being entered correctly with no spaces typed before or after the numbers.
  2. Verify the PIN number:
    1. Try having them log in to your local library ILS  website.
    2. Have them request a PIN reset or “Forgot my PIN” and change their PIN. (Especially if they get an error on the local ILS.)
    3. See if they are able to log into the Capira App with the new credentials.
  3. Verify the barcode to make sure the barcode was not entered in the ILS system without a hidden space before or after the barcode.
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