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OCLC Support

How do I find and delete barcodes created for temporary items?

  • Temporary items created through ILL/Circulation Integration in Tipasa or WorldShare need to be found and deleted. 
Applies to
  • WorldShare ILL
  • Tipasa
  • WorldShare Circulation

There is no report which provides a list of these temporary items, so you will need to search for them:

  1. Log on to WorldShare and go to the InterLibrary Loan tab. 
  2. Set your search scope to Borrower Symbol and search by your symbol. 
  3. This will bring up all requests for items that you borrowed. You can export these search results if you are a Tipasa library. 
  4. Loan requests will have a temporary item barcode, typically the same as the request ID. Copy this number. 
  5. Go to the WorldShare Circulation tab and check in the barcode from the temporary item. 
  6. Delete the barcode. 
Additional information

You will need both Circulation and WorldShare roles to perform the steps above. 

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