How do I find and delete barcodes created for temporary items?
- Temporary items created through ILL/Circulation Integration in Tipasa or WorldShare need to be found and deleted.
Applies to
- WorldShare ILL
- Tipasa
- WorldShare Circulation
There is no report which provides a list of these temporary items, so you will need to search for them:
- Log on to WorldShare and go to the InterLibrary Loan tab.
- Set your search scope to Borrower Symbol and search by your symbol.
- This will bring up all requests for items that you borrowed. You can export these search results if you are a Tipasa library.
- Loan requests will have a temporary item barcode, typically the same as the request ID. Copy this number.
- Go to the WorldShare Circulation tab and check in the barcode from the temporary item.
- Delete the barcode.
Additional information
You will need both Circulation and WorldShare roles to perform the steps above.