
Find available statuses for the Borrower and Lending Work Queues in UnityUK.

Borrower Work Queue statuses

Status Description
Cancel Pending You have requested cancellation of the request, but the cancellation has not yet been acknowledged by the responding library.
Conditional The transaction has reached a stage where the request can only be filled if you can meet certain conditions set by the Responding library.
Idle A new request, not yet authorised or transmitted to any potential suppliers.
End of Rota The transaction has reached the end of its rota and none of the responding libraries has been able to supply. You need to add more locations to the Rota or Complete the request.
Lost The item cannot be found.
Overdue The supplying library has indicated that the loan is overdue and should be renewed or returned.
Pending A request has been made and the item or a message is expected from the Responding library.
Recalled The supplying library has recalled the item before the end of the agreed loan period. You should take the returned action and return the item to the supplying library.
Received The item has been received from the supplying library.
Renew Pending You have requested a renewal of the loan from the supplying library, but the renewal has not yet been acknowledged.
Returned The item has been sent back to the supplying library – you are awaiting confirmation of receipt from the supplier.
Shipped The supplying library has sent you the item and is awaiting acknowledgement of receipt.

Lending Work Queue statuses

Status Description
Cancelled by Borrower (unread) The borrowing library has taken the Cancel Now action to move the request along to the next location in their rota. No further action is required from your side. The request will stay in your Lender work queue until you click on ‘Mark as Read’.
Cancel Requested The borrowing library has requested cancellation of this request. You should inform them if it can be cancelled or not.
Renewal Requested The borrowing library has requested renewal of the loan on of this request. You should inform them if it can be renewed or not.
New Requests These are requests which have come in from requesters and are awaiting action.
Overdue You have supplied this item to the requesting library and have sent a message that it is now overdue for return.
Recalled You have recalled the item from the borrowing library before the end of the agreed loan period.
Shipped You have shipped the items in this list to the requesting libraries and are awaiting their return.
Will Supply You have marked this request with the Answer Will Supply action – you should make sure to update it to Shipped when you supply it to the borrowing library, or do the Answer Nonsupply action if you cannot ship it.