Table of available actions

Find available request actions for borrowing and lending libraries in UnityUK.

Possible Request Actions as a Borrowing Library

Request action Description
Add Private Note This is a standard action available for all request statuses, allowing you to add a note for your own library’s use which will not be seen by the lending library.
Cancel This action will cancel the request with the current lending location and move onto the next location in the rota (or end of rota). This action requires the Lending library to respond with a Cancel-Reply=Yes.
Cancel Now This action will automatically cancel the request with the current lending location and move onto the next location in the rota (or end of rota).
Conditional Reply - No You are unable to meet the responding library’s conditions - this action causes the request to be considered Not Supplied by the current responder and it will move to the next location on the rota.
Conditional Reply - Yes You accept the responder’s conditions. This action moves the request back into the responder’s In Process queue and picking list.
Damaged Use this action to record damage to the item while on loan to your library. Details of the damage can be recorded in a notes field.
Local Change request details This is a standard action available for all request statuses, allowing you to edit the request or its rota.
Lost Report to the supplying library that the item has been lost.
Received Inform the supplying library that you have received the loaned item. The request’s status will change to Received.
Renew Request renewal of the loan of the item. The status will change to Renew/Pending until you receive a response from the supplying library.
Returned Inform the supplying library that you have returned the loaned item. The request’s status will change to Returned until you are informed by the supplying library that they have received the item back.
Send Public Note This is a standard action available for all request statuses, allowing you to send a message to the lending library.
Send User Alert This action will send an ad hoc message to the email address of the end user.
Terminate This action will completely cancel the request (cancel with the current lending location on the rota and remove any other potential lenders from the rota).

Possible request actions as a Lending Library

Request action Description
Add Private Note This is a standard action available for all request statuses, allowing you to add a note for your own library’s use which will not be seen by the borrowing library.
Answer Conditional You are willing to supply the item provided specified conditions are met.
Answer Nonsupply You are unable to supply the item being requested. This action will move the request on to the next location on the requester’s rota.
Answer Retry This action indicates to the requester that the item is not currently available and a date when it might become available. The request moves on in the rota, but will come back to your library if it’s not filled by the time that date is reached.
Answer Will Supply This action informs the requester that you will supply the item, but it is not currently ready to be sent – this action stops the request from expiring or moving on in the rota.


  • Please note that you will need to add a ‘Will Supply Date’ to stop the request auto expiring if the request is with another full UUK participant.
  • If the request is with an email responder it is not possible to specify the will supply date so the expiry date cannot be overridden.
Local Change request details This is a standard action available for all request statuses, allowing you to edit the request.
Lost Report that the item has been lost.
Overdue Indicate to the borrowing library that the loan is overdue and should be renewed or returned.
Recall Recall the item from the borrowing library, before the end of the agreed loan period.
Send Public Note This is a standard action available for all request statuses, allowing you to send a message to the borrowing library.
Shipped This action informs the requester that you have supplied the item. The request’s status will change to Shipped.
Unship If the request has been Shipped by mistake you can ‘undo’ this action by taking the Unship action. You will need to perform a follow-on action to move the request on e.g. Answer Nonsupply, Answer Retry or Answer Will Supply.

 Note: This will be reflected in the IFM Report.