Save records

Learn how to save, print, and email records in UnityUK.

Save records in UnityUK

While searching for records it is possible to add them to a Saved List. This allows for a list of items of interest to be built up from the results of several searches and then requested, printed or emailed to interested parties.

To add an item to the saved list – click on the Save button next to the record.

Save button

This Save button is available from both the hitlist display and the Details display.

Save button - Hitlist display

Save button in Details display

When you click the Save button for an item, the button will become greyed out and you will notice that the Save button is removed from the display for the selected record.

Save button removed from hitlist

To view the saved list click on the Saved List option on the top menu bar.

Saved List option

The list of items that have been saved during the current session will be displayed. 

 Note: The Saved List is cleared when the user logs out of UnityUK.

My Saved List

Print saved records

To mark items for printing – simply select the item or items by checking the check box to the left of the item.

My Saved List screen

Alternatively if you want to select all the records, click the Select all items option.

Select all items link

Once the records have been selected – click the Print button.

Print button

The records will be displayed in a print preview window for confirmation.  They can be printed with full details or in citation format. 

Preview screen

The print format can be selected at the top of the screen. By default, the records are printed in the details format.

To print a citation list, select the Citation format.

Preview screen - Citation format option selected

Once confirmed, click the Print button to print the records selected.

Print link

Email saved records

Records from the Saved List can also be emailed. This is particularly useful if the search is being used to create a bibliography.

From the Saved List, select items to be emailed by checking the box to the left of the item.

If you want to select all the records, click the Select all items option.

Select all items link

Once the records have been selected – click the Email button.

Email button

As with printing – a confirmation message will be displayed – this allows the email address, subject line and mail format to be checked and modified if necessary.

Email From Saved List screen

The bibliographic data can be sent with full details or as citations.  By default, the email will use the citation format.

Click on the Email button to send the mail.

Email button

A confirmation message will be displayed:

Email Sent confirmation message

ILL requests for items can be created from the Saved List using the Request button. 

Request button