Search results

Learn how to sort and filter search results in UnityUK.

Results hitlist

Once the search results are retrieved, a brief record for each item is displayed. 

The hitlist display shows brief bibliographic information, Number of holdings and in which regions they are located (UnityUK union catalogue only), and the Collection in which the record has been found.

Results screen

UnityUK automatically displays an initial set of 10 hits from each Collection searched. Further results can be returned and displayed if required by clicking on further page numbers:

Results screen page navigation

Displaying results as they are requested is a more efficient use of network resources than automatically displaying all hits.

Results are displayed in the order they are returned from the Collections. When searching multiple collections simultaneously, the hits from the fastest database are displayed first.

 Note: You can sort the hits by target by clicking on the target links – the illustration below shows how to sort the results so those from the UnityUK union catalogue appear first.

Sort results hitlist

The hits from the Collection selected, if there are any, will be displayed on the first page of results.

Results screen

Sort or filter the results

Once search results have been displayed, it is possible to sort them by Author, Collection, Date, Full-text availability, Relevance or Title.

You can do this by clicking on the Sort Results link in the top menu bar.

UnityUK Menu Bar

Then choosing which of the sorts you want to apply and clicking the Sort button.

You can choose to sort in Ascending or Descending order.

Sort results hitlist - Ascending order

The search results will be sorted by the option chosen.

 Note: You may find that your sort does not work unless you change the Max sort to be 1000.

Sort results hitlist - Number of records to sort

Results can also be filtered after a search by clicking on the Filter Options link:

Results hitlist Filter option

You can filter by Format, Language or audience Level.

Filter Options screen

 Note: The performance of the Filter feature is heavily dependent on how the records in the result set have been catalogued (catalogue records returned in UnityUK may potentially originate from a number of 3rd party databases). If the catalogue records do not contain the correct Format, Language or Level data, the filters may not work as desired.

Bibliographic and location details

To view the full bibliographic details of an item click on the Details button or on the title link from the Results list.

Result Details screen

Here you can also see the holdings information for the item. The holdings are sorted by region, with any copies in your own region at the top of the list.

Holdings information for an item

Click on the magnifying glass Magnifying glass button to view the location details for the holding location. The location’s BL code and account number will be displayed, as well as region, cost schemes (including whether the location is an IFM participant), and any suspension dates, as well as contact information.

Location screen

Click on the house icon House icon to go directly to the location’s library OPAC or home page. If you find that any of these links are broken or need updating please report this to

This icon Suspended location icon indicates that a location is currently suspended as a lender in UnityUK, and this icon Location will be suspended in the near future icon indicates that a location will be suspended in the near future. If you are building the request rota manually, you will want to take note of any closed locations – the period of the suspension can be checked by clicking on the Magnifying glass button icon for the location.

Use the next and previous record links to display the bibliographic details of the next or previous item in hitlist.

Next and Previous record links

To return to the hitlist display click on the Results option from the top menu bar.

Results option

 Note: Do not use the browser back button to return to the hitlist display – always use the links in the top menu bar for navigation in UnityUK.