New requests

Learn how to work with new requests from borrowing libraries in UnityUK.

New requests from borrowing libraries will appear in the New Requests section of the Lender Work Queue. You should take action on them as early as possible.

Lender screen

Pick List

New requests also appear in the Pick List report, which you can print out to aid with checking for items in your Library Management System or on shelves.

Reports screen

The number of requests in the Pick List report will increment until the report is printed by clicking on the number against the report in the Lender Work Queue – after the report is printed, the number of items in the report will reset to 0 and begin to increment again.

 Note: You can also access the report via the ‘Batch Reruns’ area of UnityUK (see Batch Reruns).

The report is in PDF format and displays one request per page.

Standard Pick/Ship List report example