Why has OCLC sent me a copy of a BLDSS ARTEmail Replies Intray?

Applies to

UnityUK can only automatically process requests on an ARTEmail Replies Intray that have been submitted through UnityUK. These requests will have a BL Request number beginning VDXTL e.g.VDXTL14356716. An ARTEmail Replies Intray may also include non-UnityUK request numbers e.g. 2018-30373. These will relate to requests submitted to the BL before the library joined UnityUK.

If the ARTEmail Replies Intray includes lines relating to non-UnityUK requests, OCLC will forward the full ARTEmail Replies Intray message to the library. All UnityUK requests will have been automatically processed, but non-UnityUK requests will need to be processed manually outside of the UnityUK system.

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