Music requests

Find information about requesting music materials from UnityUK libraries.

The Unity UK Mailing List may be used to make speculative requests for music scores with your colleagues around the UK.  If you are not on the mailing list and would like to request access please contact OCLC Support.

The International Association of Music Librarians (UK & Irl), also known as IAML (UK & Irl) also run a mailing list for music requests and specialist advice.  Information can be found via their website in the Resources tab.

IAML also administer the Encore21 Union Catalogue of Performance Sets, which is a helpful resource.

Music sets by location


We offer vocal scores and playsets. Information can be found here.
Any requests should be emailed directly to:


We no longer hold music stock items listed on the IAML website, but we do have music CDs in stock, which can be found on our Library catalogue.

British Library

BL Document Supply hold a major collection of music scores and chamber music available for loan, see

BLDS does not collect orchestral sets or multiple copies of vocal scores.


We have one small collection of vocal score sets available for loan. Our collection is available by searching the catalogue.


We have very few music scores but they are all in our main catalogue.


We have a collection of vocal scores, details of which are here (under library services L-Z, music scores). Please phone 01244 976048/6 for availability charges.


Cornwall Library Service hold a number of Playsets, Vocal Scores and Orchestral Sets in our stock. These can be searched and requested via Unity, on our online catalogue and via ENCORE. We can take email requests (, but Unity requests are preferable.

East Sussex

To view titles in our music collection, click here.


Music scores and performance sets (vocal scores, libretti and orchestral sets) are available to borrow via ILL. Information about our current holdings can be found via our library catalogue.

Tel: 01962 826641


Harrow Libraries

Vocal Sets and a small range of Orchestral Sets are available as Interlibrary loans. All sets can be found on Harrow libraries catalogue and ENCORE.

You can contact us directly at and we will be happy to help.


None of our holdings are on Encore. Please search our catalogue directly, or download lists of Carols and Vocal sets.


Performing arts collections are on IAML, but they are also all catalogued and visible on our website (or will be as they have a rolling programme of retrospective cataloguing).


Hull Libraries (operating as “Encore Music Services”) holds a large collection of orchestral and vocal sets.  Details of our holdings can be found on our website. Orchestral sets are also listed at Encore21.  We welcome requests for orchestral sets via email to Vocal sets are only available for direct loan.

Details of our holdings of playsets may be found on our online catalogues.

Performing arts collections are on IAML, but they are also all catalogued and visible on our website (or will be as they have a rolling programme of retrospective cataloguing).


We have an extensive collection of vocal and orchestral sets available, both classic and modern, along with a large collection of playsets. You can view what is in our collections here.


Tel: 03000410602


Lancashire Libraries holds a significant collection of architectural scores, vocal and play sets and miniature scores. Details of our holdings can be found on our catalogue and on a UnityUK and Encore21. We welcome requests via UnityUK or email.

When requesting music or drama via Unity please choose 'QL/P94 Lancashire Music and Drama Library' as your location.


Lincolnshire Libraries holds collections of play sets, orchestral sets, part  songs and individual scores. All holdings, including sets, are listed on Lincolnshire Libraries online catalogue. Most vocal and orchestral sets are also listed on Encore.

Single items should be requested via UnityUK.

Sets should be requested via email:

All music returns and loans are sent to us from now on to:

Lincoln Central Library
Music Sets (FAO Liz Taylor)
Free School Lane
Lincoln, LN2 1EZ


Liverpool Libraries have a collection of approximately 2,000 orchestral sets and 2,000 sets of vocal scores, which we lend to orchestras and choirs throughout the UK, through a subscription service.

Details of our holdings are listed on Encore21 (At present, only the sets of vocal scores are available on the Liverpool Libraries catalogue)

Contact/subscribe by contacting

Further information can be found here.


Middlesbrough Libraries holds sets of vocal scores, sheet music, miniature scores of individual pieces of music for loan. Please search our catalogue.


Northumberland Libraries hold a number of special collections - Northern Poetry Library, Play Scripts and Musical Scores. Information can be found here.

Royal College of Music

All choral sets are available for interlibrary loans and private hire. All sets can be found on the (shelfmark Choral Lib) and on Encore21.

We accept BL and cash/cheque payments.

Please send the requests to


Southampton City Libraries holds a selection of play sets, individual scores, miniature scores and a small selection of vocal sets which we are happy to lend, but unfortunately we don't hold any orchestral sets. All of our holdings are listed on our catalogue.

 Note: The records for the play sets are incomplete and don't detail the total number of copies available just that we hold a set.

For more information, availability and charges please contact us via


Warwickshire Libraries holds a collection of play sets, vocal sets, orchestral sets, and individual scores and miniature scores.  All holdings, including sets, are listed on the Warwickshire Libraries online catalogue (most vocal and orchestral sets are also listed on Encore).

Single items should be requested via UnityUK.

Sets should be requested via email:


Member IAML and UnityUK. Details of Music Sets held may be found on the Wiltshire Libraries online catalogue.


Do not currently add information to IAML. Most of Worcestershire's music library older holdings are listed on Encore and the majority of it is in their catalogue.