Get started
Get started with Resource Sharing for Groups.
About Resource Sharing for Groups
Find an overview of the interface and the features available in Resource Sharing for Groups.
Create an account
Find information about creating, editing, and deleting staff accounts in Resource Sharing for Groups.
Sign in to Resource Sharing for Groups
Learn how to sign in to Resource Sharing for Groups and find your WorldShare URL, and how to set and reset your password.
Resource Sharing for Groups account roles
Learn about the roles available for managing accounts in Resource Sharing for Groups.
Navigate Resource Sharing for Groups functionality
Find information about the available functionality of Resource Sharing for Groups, and documentation with more information.
Administrative accounts for Resource Sharing for Groups
Find information about accessing the OCLC Service Configuration, OCLC Policies Directory, and the OCLC Usage Statistics to manage administrative settings for your institution and view reports related to your ILL activity.
Resource Sharing for Groups at your institution
Discover more information on documentation and training resources for your institution, depending on your current services.
Resource Sharing for Groups glossary
Find a comprehensive listing of Resource Sharing for Groups terms accompanied by definitions.