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Sign in to Resource Sharing for Groups

Learn how to sign in to Resource Sharing for Groups and find your WorldShare URL, and how to set and reset your password.

Sign in to the WorldShare interface

  1. In your browser, enter the WorldShare URL for your library. Your WorldShare URL will have the following format: Replace yourcustomWorldShareURL with the WorldCat registry ID or configured URL qualifier for your library.
  2. On the Sign in screen, enter your Username and Password.
  3. Click Sign in.

Find a forgotten WorldShare URL

  1. Go to the Sign in to OCLC Services page and select WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Metadata Services, or WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
  2. Search for your institution with your OCLC symbol, institution name, or zip code. Select your institution from the list and click Continue.
  3. Enter your User Name and Password.
    • The User Name field is not case-sensitive.
  4. Click Sign In.
  5. Bookmark or write down your WorldShare URL.
    • Use the format:
    • You will need to edit your bookmark to match the correct format

Request a new password


  • Your current password will not work once you have requested a new one.
  • If you need assistance setting or resetting your password, contact OCLC Support.


  1. Visit your library's WorldShare URL. Replace yourlibrary with your library's identifier:
  2. On the Sign in screen for your WorldShare interface, click Request password.
  3. In the new window, enter your Username.
  4. Click Request. The email associated with your Username will receive an email containing a link that lets you reset your password. The link expires in 24 hours. Please check the spam folder if you do not see the email.
  5. Click the link in the email message to reset your password.

WorldShare password requirements

Your WorldShare password:

  • Is case-sensitive
  • Must contain at least nine characters
  • Must contain at least one non-alphabetic character
     Note: Semicolons (;), colons (:), apostrophes ('), and periods (.) are not allowed.