Updates to requests

Learn how to update a request once the patron submits a response or a document in Relais ILL.

Once the patron submits a response or a document, the updating of requests is a combination of automated steps and in some cases staff interaction.

The information entered by the patron via the Patron Response page is used to update the request. The next steps depend on what message was sent to the patron, whether a response or a document is required and how the patron responds.

For details on configuring queues and reject codes, see Configure Notify Patron messages.

 Note: Additional Notes are used by staff to add notes meant for the supplier. Staff are able to remove or change existing additional notes. The Audit Notes section is used by staff to add notes for themselves, which are recorded in the request history (request audit table). This process is not meant for Patrons to navigate.

If the Response Required version of the Patron Response page was used and the patron responds Yes


If the Response Required version of the Patron Response page was used and the patron responds No


If the Document Required version of the Patron Response page was used and the patron submits a document
