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What is the order for the Borrowing Overdues to go out to patrons?

  • You want to make sure you understand the order that overdue notices go to patrons so that one does not overlap any of the other notices
Applies to
  • ILLiad

Here is the order of the Overdue Notices

  1. The template is Borrowing Overdue Reminder - The number of days before the due date when an overdue reminder should be sent. A value of 0 will disable borrowing reminders.  The Key is BorrowingReminderDaysBeforeDueDate.
  2. The template is Borrowing Overdue 1- Number of days after the Borrowing due date before an item is considered overdue (Level One).  The Key is  BorrowingOverdueGraceDays.
  3. The template is Borrowing Overdue 2 - The number of days after the Borrowing due date that it still is considered Level One overdue. After this many days it moves to Level Two.  The Key is BorrowingOverdueNoticeOneDays.
  4. The template is Borrowing Overdue 3 - The number of days after the Borrowing due date that it still is considered Level Two overdue. After this many days it moves to Level Three.  The Key is BorrowingOverdueNoticesTwoDays.

You need to make sure that the numbers do not overlap, or this will cause an issue of when the notices go out.  For instance, if the BorrowingReminderDaysBeforeDueDate is set to 1, then that means the notice will go out one day before the due date.  If the BorrowingOverdueGraceDays is set to -1 which means the notice will go out one day before the overdue date, then both notices overlap.  The patrons will not receive one of the notices that you expect them to get. 

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