ILLiad shared site receiving item and then switching sites for patron causes "Record not found" message for the OCLC Status

Applies to

If the site that received the item is ABC and the site that the patron switched to is CBS, then this is what happened.  When the library switched the patron to CBS, the OCLC Status changed to "Record not found" because the original receiver was ABC.  ILLiad is looking for the ILL number under CBS and the ILL number is not under CBS.  So OCLC sends the message "Record Not found."  When you are going to check in the item here is the processing you will need to do:

1.  You will need to change the user back to ABC and the you will be able to return the item.

2.  After returning the item, you will then have to change the patron back to CBS. 

The problem is that the sites changed during the processing of the request which caused the confusion.


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