How to I find out the symbols for the ILLiad Borrowing Web Report "Borrowing-Who We Borrow From" that show a percentage, but no symbol?
- You search the "Borrowing-Who We Borrow From" report and you see a percentage, but one entry does not have a symbol and you want to know how to find the symbols
Applies to
- ILLiad
You follow these steps to find out the Transactions you need to update with the Lenders you have so when you run the report, you can get a better list of lenders.
- You run the script on your SQL Server for Who you Borrow from Lender to get the Transaction List of Transactions without a Lender. You will need to update the CreationDate Line for the period you set up in your initial Web Report parameters.
Select t.transactionnumber FROM Transactions t, Users u WHERE t.Username = u.Username AND ((t.TransactionStatus = 'Request Finished') OR (t.TransactionStatus = 'Checked Out to Customer') OR (t.TransactionStatus = 'Delivered to Web') OR (t.TransactionStatus LIKE 'Customer Notified via%')) AND t.ProcessType = 'Borrowing' AND (t.LendingLibrary IS NULL OR t.LendingLibrary ='') AND t.CreationDate BETWEEN '2015-09-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-09-01 00:00:00'
- You then go to the Transactions and update them with the proper Lenders in the Lender field and save the change.
- After you have updated all the Transactions, you run the report again.