How does the DaysBeforeElectronicDeliveryCleanup work?
- A Customization Manager key determines when electronic articles are removed from the Web Server and what options you have if they are removed
Here is how the DaysBeforeElectronicDeliveryCleanup works:
- The DaysBeforeElectronicDeliveryCleanup is the number of days after an article is delivered to the PDF folder for your users to get their article.
- If you change the key value, then you will need to restart the ILLiad System Manager service.
- Once the days are reached, then the article is removed from the PDF folder.
- The only other place the file can be is on the Web Server in the c:\illiad\odyssey\receive\received folder (or the alternate drive you are using for ILLiad).
- If the file is not on the Web Server, you will have to request the article again for the patron.
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