How do we fix the 9.1 Web pages notes field that is showing an incorrect time?

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To fix the Notes field from displaying the incorrect time, you need to do the following:

  1. Edit the DataRow_DefaultNote.html file located in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLIad\templates folder.
  2. You need to remove the "convert local' from the line:
<span class="convert-local" data-iso8601="<#DATAROW field='NoteDate' display='ISO8601'>"><#DATAROW field='NoteDate'></span>


<span class=data-iso8601="<#DATAROW field='NoteDate' display='ISO8601'>"><#DATAROW field='NoteDate'></span>

 3. You need to also edit the DataRow_DefaultNote.html file located in the c:\inetpub\wwwroo\lending\templates folder file.

 4.  If you are using the TestWeb pages, you will need to update the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\TestWeb\templates folder file and the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ILLiad\TestWeb\Lending\templates folder file.

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