How do I delete one patron with transactions?
- You have a patron who should not have an account and the patron has one transaction and you want to delete the account
Here are the steps you can do to remove the patron account:
- You could follow the script from the Breaking the User Link in the ILLiad Database documentation to remove the patron.
- Another way is to create a new user which we will call BreakUser.
- Follow the instructions for Adding New Users Manually and have the first and last name match what the user has that you want to delete.
- Go to both accounts and mark them as Not Cleared.
- Go to the main ILLiad and click on System and Clear Users.
- Now you will Merge the users and Merge the problem User into the BreakUser account following the Merging Users documentation.
- After you have merged the users, look up the BreakUser, and change the Cleared Status to Cleared.
- The change the first and last name to a name that will be a test name you can use again for this issue.
- Open the Database Manager and now you can Delete the User following The ILLiad Database Manager documentation.
- Because the patron was recently created, you will need to select the box for "Only delete patrons if Expiration Date has passed."
- You can close the Database Manager and now your patron is deleted.
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