Certain requests in ILLiad will not load and give a generic error instead

Applies to

Here are two possible causes of an error loading a request and their solutions:

Update Transactions
Set Processtype='Borrowing'
Where Processtype in ('Borrowing', 'Borrowing ')

Additional information

If you find that you have quite a few Routing Rules, you can check to see if any of them are causing a problem by having OCLC Support help you if you're hosted or by having your SQL Administrator run this sort of query with Borrowing or Lending. Note the extra space in process type in the example above.  So for Lending you would use the line:

Where Processtype in ('Lending', 'Lending ')

or Doc Del as:

Where Processtype in ('Doc Del', 'Doc Del ')

You should be working now.  If, after that, the requests do not open like normal, then you'll need to check the Routing table in Customization Manager to make sure the NewProcessType entries are all correct and without extra spaces.

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