How to Lock and Unlock a record in Record Manager

Applies to

When you have been working or editing a WorldCat record in Record Manager, you can choose to Lock it  - so that you can come back to complete it, without the concern that someone else may also edit the same record or make other changes to it, before you have completed your changes. 


To lock a record:

  1. Select the Bibliographic title you wish to work on.
  2. Select  Save Save & Lock Bibliographic record. 
  3. You then give your list a status, so it can be located later by what you type.
  4. The file is also given a  File number - which you can also search later.
  5. This will then be creating a Save in-progress record. 
  6. Continue to make the required edits, changing the workflow status as required. 
  7. When you have completed your changes, you can Replace and then Unlock the record. 

To unlock a record:

  1. Search by Scope > Saved in Progress  > then select either Save file number (if known) OR My Status that you gave the file.
  2. Select Record > Release Lock 
Additional information

See  Save work in Progress 

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