Use an advanced search to perform a more in-depth search than a basic search allows to find bibliographic and local bibliographic data. You can combine up to five indexes and apply limits to retrieve a more precise set of search results.
Run time: 9:51
This video shows how to perform an advanced search, using multiple indexes and qualifiers in WorldShare Record Manager.
This table describes all of the fields you can use on the Advanced Search window (you are not required to fill in all the fields):
Setting | Description |
Abbreviated-level records only | Select the check box to search for bibliographic records in WorldCat with an encoding level of 3. For more information on encoding levels, see Abbreviated-level cataloging guidelines in Bibliographic Formats and Standards. |
Format(s) | Select one or more formats from the list. Format is defined in the WorldCat record. For more information, see Material Type Names and Codes. |
Language(s) | Language of the item. Select one or more languages from the list. |
Language(s) of Cataloging | Language used for the description of the item. Select one or more languages from the list. |
Limit Results to | Select one or more of the following record type limit checkboxes:
Reset | Click Reset to clear out all fields on the Advanced Search window. If you have set your advanced search user preferences, the search will reset to your default preferences. |
Source of Cataloging | Select the source of cataloging from the list:
Year(s) | Limits search by year. Enter a single year or a range. |