Why are there duplicate records in record files

Applies to

This occurs when a title is selected in more than one collection but the collections have different delivery frequencies set for MARC records that are output.

1. Look at the records in the file to obtain an OCN. You may want to use MarcEdit for this.

2. Take the OCN from the first record and search it in Collection Manager

3. If the title comes up in more than one collection, check the collection-level delivery frequencies for the other collections.

What you should find is that the title is in more than one collection, that the collections are configured to output into separate files, and the collections have different delivery frequencies. When a title is in more than one collection, when the title data is updated, records will be sent in files for all collections in which the title is held, for all delivery frequencies.



OCN1 is in Collection 1, Collection 2, and Collection 3.

Collection 1 is set to Daily, Collection 2 is set to Weekly and Collection 3 is set to Monthly.

The data for OCN1 is updated in Collection 1.

The system will output files with Daily date stamp for all three Collections, Weekly for all three collections, and Monthly for all three collections because each collection was configured differently yet the same OCN is in all three so they all 3 output - but on different date schedules.

There are two options for eliminating this behavior.

1. Have collections output into the same file at the same delivery frequency.  To do this, find all the collections the duplicated title is in, set the MARC record delivery frequencies to the same frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly*), and output to the same file rather than different files (you can add the same custom file name to each of these collections so that they output to the same file... This will eliminate these types of duplicates. 

Delivery frequency is set to each collection in the

Custom names are added to each collection in the

2. Choose NOT to use the option to deliver records already held.  This option is also found in individual collections that you've selected and enabled MARC records delivery.  As above, follow the first two bulleted items.  

If there are any questions about this record delivery behavior, please contact OCLC Support

Additional information

* Delivery is based on the provider's schedule. If a provider delivers weekly, then records will be delivered weekly whether you choose daily or not. If you were to choose quarterly but the provider delivers weekly, OCLC will hold all the records from the provider (sent to OCLC weekly) and deliver them in one file, quarterly.  OCLC can only deliver records according to the provider's delivery schedule.  

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