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OCLC Support

I am unable to find MARC records from my WorldCat Cataloging Partner Collections

  • After receiving an invoice for items ordered from a WorldCat Cataloging Partner collection, I am not able to find the MARC files in My Files > Downloads.
Applies to
  • WorldShare Collection Manager
  • WorldShare Acquisitions

If files you are expecting do not appear in the download list, uncheck the Hide downloaded files checkbox underneath the Filter drop-down. 

If you are missing specific MARC records and have many MARC files in downloads, you can use these steps to find the one which has your desired records:

  1. Go to OCLC Usage Statistics.
  2. Logon with your Cataloging authorization and password.
  3. Select Cataloging > WorldShare Collection Manager > WCP Collections > WCP Records Report.
  4. Set the start date and days for a range around the time you received the invoice and click update.
  5. Search for the invoice number or ISBN/ISSN of the item whose MARC records you are looking for.
  6. Note the File Name that comes up and look for it in My Files > Downloads.
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