WorldCat Entities data
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The WorldCat Entities data API returns values for a given entity's properties. The properties returned will vary depending on the access level being used for the API.
To learn about OCLC APIs and get started with WorldCat Entities data, see:
- OCLC APIs > Get Started
- How to Request a WSKey
- WorldCat Entities data API context JSON
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Levels of access
- Anyone/unauthenticated: limited WorldCat Entities properties and data access
- WSKEY: access to additional WorldCat Entities properties and data access beyond what is available to unauthenticated users
- OCLC Meridian subscribers: full read access to WorldCat Entities properties and data
Context and standard URLs
WorldCat Entities data with unauthenticated access
The unauthenticated version of the WorldCat Entities data API is free to use and available to the public. It provides limited WorldCat Entities properties and data access.
- WorldCat Entities data with unauthenticated access - List of properties
Label Description activeEndDate Date on which ends the agent's period of creative activity. activeStartDate Date on which begins the agent's period of creative activity. altLabel Alternate forms of the label for a WorldCat Entity. artist Work has agent responsible for the creation of the artistic work. author Work has agent responsible for the content of the text work. cartographer Work has agent responsible for the creation or production of the cartographic work. composer Work has agent responsible for the creation of the music or notated music work. contributor Work has agent responsible for contributing to the work. creationDate Date when the work was created. creator Work has agent responsible for creating the work. date Thing has time instance on which it occurred. dateOfBirth Date on which the person was born. dateOfCopyright Edition has date on which copyright was established. dateOfDeath Date on which the person died. dateOfOrigination Edition has date on which it was published, issued, manufactured, produced, or distributed. description Entity has statement which explains its fundamental characteristics, nature, or purpose. dimensions Edition has statement which quantifies its physical characteristics with respect to size, proportion, weight, or capacity. director Work has agent responsible for overseeing the design, organization, and/or execution of the work or elements within the work. duration Edition has measurement that describes its length or runtime. editionTitle Edition has title which is supplementing, substituting, or otherwise different from that of the work to which it is related. elevation Measurement of the height above sea level for the place. endDate Date on which the thing was completed, terminated, dissolved, abolished, or expired. extent Edition has statement which quantifies its constituent parts. form Edition has concept which describes the physical or digital manifestation of the resource. format Edition has statement that describes its physical or digital attributes, characteristics, and/or material composition geographicCoordinates System for the precision locating of fixed points on the earth or another planetary body. givenName All name elements not including the surname. honorificSuffix Title or term of respect or nobility used after the person's given name. illustrator Work has agent responsible for creating or contributing to the illustrative content of the work. language Language associated with the work or agent. note Edition has statement necessary to fully describe the resource which cannot be expressed using any other property. painter Work has agent who responsible for the application of paint on canvases, walls, or other surfaces. performanceDate Work has agent responsible for taking part in an event or process. photographer Work has agent responsible for the photographic still image work. population Place has address at which it is located. prefLabel Preferred label for the entity. spatialArea Place has measured surface area. startDate Date on which the thing was begun, originated, created, founded, or initiated. subtitle Secondary portion of the work title which is subordinated to the main title. title Name given to the work. translator Work has agent responsible for translating the work into another language. type The subject is an instance of a class. typeDetail Entity has concept that specifies its character, nature, and/or function.
Example code
GET command:
- WorldCat Entities data with unauthenticated access - Example code
{ "@context": "", "id": "", "dateOfBirth": [ { "type": [ "time:Instant" ], "time:inDateTime": { "type": [ "time:DateTimeDescription" ], "time:day": { "type": "", "@value": "----29" }, "time:year": { "type": "", "@value": "1953" }, "time:month": { "type": "", "@value": "--07" }, "time:hasTRS": { "id": "" }, "time:unitType": { "id": "time:unitDay" } }, "time:inXSDDateTimeStamp": { "type": "", "@value": "1953-07-29T00:00:00Z" } } ], "prefLabel": { "ar": "كين بيرنز", "ca": "Ken Burns", "cs": "Ken Burns", "da": "Ken Burns", "de": "Ken Burns", "en": "Ken Burns", "eo": "Ken Burns", "es": "Ken Burns", "eu": "Ken Burns", "fa": "کن برنز", "fi": "Ken Burns", "fr": "Ken Burns", "ga": "Ken Burns", "gl": "Ken Burns", "he": "קן ברנס", "hu": "Ken Burns", "hy": "Քեն Բըրնս", "id": "Ken Burns", "it": "Ken Burns", "ja": "ケン・バーンズ", "mg": "Ken Burns", "nb": "Ken Burns", "nl": "Ken Burns", "nn": "Ken Burns", "pa": "ਕੈਨ ਬਰਨਸ", "pt": "Ken Burns", "ru": "Бёрнс, Кен", "sl": "Ken Burns", "sq": "Ken Burns", "sr": "Ken Berns", "sv": "Ken Burns", "ta": "கென் பர்ன்ஸ்", "tr": "Ken Burns", "uk": "Кен Бернс", "vi": "Ken Burns", "yo": "Ken Burns", "zh": "肯·伯恩斯", "arz": "كين بيرنز", "ast": "Ken Burns", "pap": "Ken Burns", "war": "Ken Burns", "pt-br": "Ken Burns", "be-tarask": "Кен Бэрнз" }, "altLabel": { "cs": [ "Kenneth L.(Kenneth Lauren) Burns" ], "de": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "en": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns", "Kenneth L. Burns", "Kenneth Burns" ], "es": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "gl": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "nn": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "ru": [ "Кен Бёрнс" ], "sv": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns", "Burns" ], "tr": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "ast": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "und": [ "Ken Burns" ] }, "givenName": { "en": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ] }, "type": [ "Person" ], "description": { "ar": "مخرج أفلام من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية", "ca": "productor de documentals estatunidenc", "cs": "americký filmový dokumentarista", "de": "US-amerikanischer Regisseur", "dv": "އެމެރިކާއަށް އުފަން އެކްޓަރެއް", "en": "American documentary filmmaker", "fa": "کارگردان آمریکایی", "fr": "réalisateur américain de documentaires", "it": "regista e produttore di documentari statunitense", "ml": "അമേരിക്കയിലെ ചലച്ചിത്ര അഭിനേതാവ്", "nl": "Amerikaans filmregisseur", "uk": "американський кінорежисер і продюсер документальних фільмів", "yo": "Òṣèré Ọmọ Orílẹ̀-èdè America", "zh": "美国纪录片制片人", "pap": "direktor di sine merikano", "be-tarask": "амэрыканскі рэжысэр" } }
WorldCat Entities data with WSKEY access
Using a free WSKEY to access the WorldCat Entities data API provides additional WorldCat Entities properties and data access beyond what is available to unauthenticated users. A subscription is not required.
See the instructions for How to Request a WSKey.
- WorldCat Entities data with WSKEY access - List of properties
Label Description about Topic of a work. agent Entity capable of performing actions. fieldOfActivity Area of interest for which the agent is known as an active participant or contributor. genre Work has concept that shapes expectations of the work in terms of style, class, and/or type for a specific audience by following a basic set of standards. genreOfActivity Subject, theme, or topic to which the agent is known as an active contributor. hasWork Edition has WorldCat work for which it is a manifestation in physical or digital form. relatedConcept Thing entity has concept to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to concept properties. relatedFamily Thing entity has family to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to family properties. relatedOrganization Thing has organization to which is is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to organization properties. relatedPerson Thing entity has person to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to person properties. relatedPlace Thing entity has place to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to place properties. relatedWork Thing has work to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to work properties. studentOf Person studied directly under this person. abridgedAs Work that shortens the work while maintaining conceptual fidelity. abridgementOf Work that was shortened into the work while maintaining conceptual fidelity. absorbedBy Place or organization that is or is claimed to be incorporated or subsumed into the place or organization. absorbedByWork Work that combines the entire content of the work. absorbedInPartByWork Work that combines a portion of the content of the work. absorbedInPartOfWork Work that continues but a part of its content is removed and combined into the work. absorptionOf Place or organization that incorporates or subsumes, or claims to incorporate or subsume, the place or organization. absorptionOfWork Work whose entire content is combined into the work. ariaOf Work which is a self-contained piece for solo voice(s), with or without instrumental or orchestral accompaniment as part of a larger music, notated music, or moving image work. arrangementOf Music or music notation work that modifies an earlier work. augmentationOf Work that the work expands or seeks to improve. augmentedBy Work that expands or seeks to improve the work. awardReceived Formal honor, decoration, or prize which the agent or work has received. basedOn Work that represents a significant transformation, but maintains conceptual fidelity, to the work. commentaryOn Work that presents an explanation or discussion of the work. concordanceFor Work that presents a list of words or phrases present in the work. continuationOfWork Work that continues the content of the work that has ceased. continuedByWork Work that has ceased, whose content is continued by the work. evaluationOf Work that presents a critical value judgment of the work. hasAria Music, moving image, or notated music work has part that is for solo voice(s), with or without instrumental or orchestral accompaniment. hasArrangement Music or music notation work that is a modification of an earlier work. hasMovement Music or notated music work has part which is a movement. hasPart Super-property for all whole-to-part relationships. hasRecitative Music, moving image, or notated music work has part that is a vocal free style that imitates the natural inflections of speech and that progresses dialogue and narrative. hasSeries Work that appears in the series work. hasSupplement Work that is updated or is complemented by the other work. inspirationFor Work has work for which it provided the intellectual or artistic impetus. inspiredBy Work that provided the intellectual or artistic impetus for the work. isArticleOf Work is part of work in which it appears as an article. isIssueOf Work that is a discrete part of the larger successive work. isPartOf Super-property for all part-to-whole relationships. isTheBasisOf Work that has been significantly transformed into the work. mergedToFormWork Work that combined with one or more other works to form a work. mergerOfWork Work that is formed by the combining of two or more works. movementOf Work is a movement part of the larger music or notated music work. nominatedFor Award or honor for which the agent or work was recommended or considered. readingOf Spoken version of the text work, such as a public oration or audio book. recitativeOf Work which is a vocal free style that imitates the natural inflections of speech and that progresses dialogue and narrative as part of a larger notated music, music, or moving image work. replacedByWork Work that has been superseded by the work, making the content of the prior work obsolete. replacementOfWork Work that supersedes the prior work, making the content of the prior work obsolete. screenplayOf Work that textualizes the linguistic content for the moving image work. separatedFromWork Work has agent responsible for the repair and/or reconstruction of the work with respect to the original creator's intent and content. separatedIntoWork Work in which a part of the content is continued by another work. sequel Work in which the narrative chronologically follows the narrative of the other work. serializedVersionOf Work that is successive that changes to a static work. seriesOf Work that includes the individual part work. splitFromWork Work that continues a part of the content of another work that has completed. splitIntoWork Work that has completed in which a part of the content is continued by another work. supplementTo Work that updates or otherwise complements the predominant work. thematicCatalog Music or notated music work is contained in a text work that contains a list of musical works, usually of one composer, but occasionally of a specific collection of a specific institution or of multiple composers, based on medium of performance, type of work, etc. translationOf Work is a translation of the work. abridger Work has agent responsible for creating the work by shortening the original work. acquired Agent has organization or place that it purchased or over which it claimed ownership. acquiredBy Organization or place has agent that purchased it or claimed ownership. actor Person performing a role live for a camera or audience. addressee Work has agent who is the primary intended recipient of the content of the work. administrativelyPartOf Administrative area which exercises or claims to exercise political control over the administrative area. aggregator Work has agent responsible for the collection and arrangement of related works in the collection work. animator Work has agent responsible for creating the impression of movement with inanimate drawings or objects as part of the moving image work. architect Work has agent associated with the design of the structure as depicted in a still image or physical object work. arranger Music or music notation work that modifies an earlier work. audioEngineer Work has agent responsible for the technical aspects of recording and optimizing the audio work. bookArtist Work has agent responsible for using the book form to craft the physical object work. calligrapher Work has agent responsible for the application of decorative writing in the text or image work. capital Primary city of the country, state or other type of administrative area. censor Work has agent responsible for examining and/or editing the work to exclude content which is deemed morally or politically offensive. child Person's legal, biological, and/or self-identified child. choreographer Work has agent responsible for the design and direction of physical movement as captured in the moving image or notated movement work. cinematographer Work has agent responsible for overseeing the conceptualization and organization of the image work. collector Work has agent responsible for gathering the resources that comprise the collection work. colorist Work has agent responsible for adding color to the image or text work. commentator Work has agent responsible for providing an explanation or discussion of the work. commissioning agent Work has agent responsible for initiating the work by way of engaging the creator of the work. compiler Work has agent responsible for assembling a descriptive set of metadata into the data set or text work. consultant Work has agent responsible for contributing particular knowledge or expertise for which they are specifically engaged in the creation of the work. containedInPlace Basic containment relation between a place and another place. copyrightNotice Edition has official statement of copyright. copyrightOwner Work has agent who owns or holds the copyright of the work. courtReporter Work has agent responsible for recording the proceedings of a legal court and preparing them for distribution. dancer Work has agent responsible for executing expressive physical movement as part of the Image, notated movement, or text work. dedicatee Work has agent to whom the work is dedicated. dedicator Work has agent who dedicates the work. designer Work has agent responsible for conceptualizing, designing, and/or executing the work or elements within the work. dj Work has agent responsible for mixing or arranging multiple sound works together into the new music work. draftsman Work has agent responsible for creating a blueprint, diagram, or schematic in the text or still image work. editor Work has agent responsible for making corrections or changes to the work. eventChronologyIndicator Event has statement which specifies its position within an event series. filmmaker Work has agent responsible for the creation of the amateur moving image work. foundedBy Administrative area or organization has agent responsible for establishing or originating the entity. ghostwriterFor Agent that writes on behalf of the agent. hasValue Measurement or performance medium has quantity in the form of the integer value. headOfOrganization Organization has agent that fulfills the role of primary leader, figurehead, or functionary. headquarters Organization has agent that fulfills the role of primary leader, figurehead, or functionary. honoree Work has agent who is lauded by the work. host Work has agent responsible for introducing and/or announcing contributing presenters or performers as part of the text, moving image, or sound work. influencedBy Agent who affects the creative or intellectual development of another agent. instructor Work has agent responsible for the pedagogical content of the work. instrumentalist Work has agent responsible for playing an instrument as part of the moving image or music work. intendedAudience Work has group for whom the work is created. interviewee Work has agent responsible for creating or contributing to the work by responding to an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent. interviewer Work has agent responsible for creating or contributing to the work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent. inventor Work has agent credited for an innovation embodied by the work. issuer Work has agent responsible for issuing the work. landscapeArchitect Work has agent responsible for conceptualizing and arranging elements in a natural setting as embodied in the work. letterer Work has agent responsible for the graphic styling of text as it appears in the text or image work. librettist Work has agent responsible for creating the text used as the basis for the musical work. lyricist Work has agent responsible for creating the words as part of the musical composition. mediumOfPerformance Music or music notation work has instrumentation and/or vocalization required for performance. memberOf Organization or family to which the agent is an active contributor or participant, or to which the agent belongs. mergedToForm Two or more places or organizations that were integrated or merged to form the place or organization. mergerOf Place or organization that resulted from the merger of two or more places or organizations. moderator Work has agent responsible for leading a conversation, panel, or debate presented in the text, sound, or moving image work. musicalConductor Work has agent responsible for leading the performing ensemble as depicted in the music or moving image work. musicalPerformanceConfiguration Work has concept defining the type of ensemble necessary for performance. musicPartDesignator Music or music notation work has literal descriptor that expresses the specific part of the larger work to which the work belongs. narrator Work has agent responsible for conveying spoken narrative elements to an audience as part of the text, sound, or moving image work. occupation Discipline, specialty, or skill which the person pursues as a form of employment. officialLanguage Primary language of the administrative area or organization as determined by the administrative area or organization. owner Agent or place has agent with legal possession. panelist Work has agent responsible for providing subject-specific expertise as part of a presentation, town hall, or debate as captured in the text, moving image, or sound work. parent Person's legal, biological, and/or self-identified parent. parentOrganization Organization has larger organization of which it is a subordinate part. participant Work has agent responsible for taking part in an event or process. performer Work has agent who is part of a performance as depicted in an image or sound work. placeAddress Place has address at which it is located. placeOfBirth Birth location of the person. placeOfDeath Death location of the person. plateNumber Edition has plate number assigned by a music publisher to a specific notated music publication. precededBy Entity that follows or is preceded by the entity. prequel Work in which the narrative chronologically precedes the narrative of the other work. presenter Work has agent responsible for delivering the content of speech, address, or lecture as captured in the text, moving image, or sound work. producer Work has agent responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of the work. programmer Work has agent responsible for coding the executables embodied in the software work. pseudonym Relationship between an agent and an alternate identity. puppeteer Work has agent responsible for the manipulation of a puppet or marionette as part of an image work. rapporteur Work has agent responsible for preparing the formal proceedings of an organization as the text work. recordingEngineer Work has agent responsible for the technical aspects of recording the sound or moving image work. recordist Work has agent responsible for the operation of a device used to capture the content of a sound work. researcher Work has agent responsible for gathering relevant information which informs the creation of the work. residence Place where the person primarily makes their home. restorationist Work has agent responsible for the repair and/or reconstruction of the work with respect to the original creator's intent and content. resultedIn Entity that is the result of a transformative event. rights Edition has statement of ownership which defines its appropriate use, license, and legal permissions. rightsUri Edition has URI that is an official rights statement or standard, or that conveys license and legal permissions. sculptor Work has agent responsible for carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions. separatedFrom Place or organization that results from the detachment or division from the other place or organization. separatedInto Place or organization that is divided into another place or organization. serialChronologyIndicator Work has statement which specifies its position within a collection work. sibling Person's legal, biological, and/or self-identified sibling. singer Work has agent responsible for performing the stylized vocal content of the music work or moving image work. softwareDeveloper Work has agent responsible for the design and implementation of the software work. speaker Work has agent responsible for speaking at an event such as a ceremony, keynote, or presentation. specialEffectsProvider Work has agent responsible for the design and implementation of optical, mechanical, or auditory effects on the set of the moving image or sound work. sponsor Work has agent responsible for the support, funding, and/or promotion of the work. spouse Person has partner in a marriage, civil union, or self-identified union. storyteller Work has agent responsible for delivering stories expressed orally as the primary content of the sound or moving image work. succeededBy Entity that is followed or is succeeded by the entity. tableOfContents Edition has statement that describes its structure and content. tonalCenter Music or music notation work has value which describes a group of pitches, or notes, that form the harmonic foundation of a piece of notated or musical sound. transcriber Work has agent responsible for transferring content from unwritten to written form, or from one medium to another as captured in the work. versionStatement Edition has word or phrase which denotes a difference between it and other versions of the same work. videographer Person who creates video recordings by operating camera equipment. visualEffectsProvider Work has agent responsible for the design and implementation of post-production visual effects as part of the moving image work. voiceActor Work has agent responsible for off-screen vocalizing of language content in the sound or moving image work.
Example code
GET command:
- WorldCat Entities data with WSKEY access - Example code
{ "@context": "", "id": "", "dateOfBirth": [ { "type": [ "time:Instant" ], "time:inDateTime": { "type": [ "time:DateTimeDescription" ], "time:day": { "type": "", "@value": "----29" }, "time:year": { "type": "", "@value": "1953" }, "time:month": { "type": "", "@value": "--07" }, "time:hasTRS": { "id": "" }, "time:unitType": { "id": "time:unitDay" } }, "time:inXSDDateTimeStamp": { "type": "", "@value": "1953-07-29T00:00:00Z" } } ], "prefLabel": { "ar": "كين بيرنز", "ca": "Ken Burns", "cs": "Ken Burns", "da": "Ken Burns", "de": "Ken Burns", "en": "Ken Burns", "eo": "Ken Burns", "es": "Ken Burns", "eu": "Ken Burns", "fa": "کن برنز", "fi": "Ken Burns", "fr": "Ken Burns", "ga": "Ken Burns", "gl": "Ken Burns", "he": "קן ברנס", "hu": "Ken Burns", "hy": "Քեն Բըրնս", "id": "Ken Burns", "it": "Ken Burns", "ja": "ケン・バーンズ", "mg": "Ken Burns", "nb": "Ken Burns", "nl": "Ken Burns", "nn": "Ken Burns", "pa": "ਕੈਨ ਬਰਨਸ", "pt": "Ken Burns", "ru": "Бёрнс, Кен", "sl": "Ken Burns", "sq": "Ken Burns", "sr": "Ken Berns", "sv": "Ken Burns", "ta": "கென் பர்ன்ஸ்", "tr": "Ken Burns", "uk": "Кен Бернс", "vi": "Ken Burns", "yo": "Ken Burns", "zh": "肯·伯恩斯", "arz": "كين بيرنز", "ast": "Ken Burns", "pap": "Ken Burns", "war": "Ken Burns", "pt-br": "Ken Burns", "be-tarask": "Кен Бэрнз" }, "altLabel": { "cs": [ "Kenneth L.(Kenneth Lauren) Burns" ], "de": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "en": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns", "Kenneth L. Burns", "Kenneth Burns" ], "es": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "gl": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "nn": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "ru": [ "Кен Бёрнс" ], "sv": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns", "Burns" ], "tr": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "ast": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "und": [ "Ken Burns" ] }, "givenName": { "en": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ] }, "type": [ "Person" ], "description": { "ar": "مخرج أفلام من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية", "ca": "productor de documentals estatunidenc", "cs": "americký filmový dokumentarista", "de": "US-amerikanischer Regisseur", "dv": "އެމެރިކާއަށް އުފަން އެކްޓަރެއް", "en": "American documentary filmmaker", "fa": "کارگردان آمریکایی", "fr": "réalisateur américain de documentaires", "it": "regista e produttore di documentari statunitense", "ml": "അമേരിക്കയിലെ ചലച്ചിത്ര അഭിനേതാവ്", "nl": "Amerikaans filmregisseur", "uk": "американський кінорежисер і продюсер документальних фільмів", "yo": "Òṣèré Ọmọ Orílẹ̀-èdè America", "zh": "美国纪录片制片人", "pap": "direktor di sine merikano", "be-tarask": "амэрыканскі рэжысэр" } }
WorldCat Entities data for OCLC Meridian subscribers
Authorized access to the WorldCat Entities data API requires a subscription to OCLC Meridian. Full read access to WorldCat Entities properties and data is included.
- WorldCat Entities data for OCLC Meridian subscribers - List of properties
Label Description sameAs The property that determines that two given individuals are equal. doi Edition has digital object identifier (DOI) that acts as a unique identifier. isbn Edition has International Standard Book Number (ISBN) that acts as a numeric identifier. issn Edition has International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) that acts as a numeric identifier. ddcClassification Work has alpha-numeric code indicating its content or subject matter, assigned according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. ddcNumber Work has identifier assigned according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. classification Work has standard by which it is located within the context of a larger knowledge organization framework; a generic super-property for all classification properties. lcCallNumber Edition has identifier assigned according to the Library of Congress Call Number (LCN) system. lcClassification Work has alpha-numeric code indicating its content or subject matter, assigned according to Library of Congress Classification system. identifier Edition has character string by which it can be identified and/or located; a super-property for all identifiers. issnLinking Continuing resource or series work has an ISSN, grouping the different media of the same work together. accessRights Edition has statement which details the agents that have access to it and/or the means by which may be accessed. educatedAt Person has agent from which they received instruction. originationAgent Edition has agent responsible for its publication, issuance, manufacture, production, or distribution. placeOfOrigination Edition has place at which it was published, issued, manufactured, produced, or distributed. provenance Edition or item has statement which details its history and/or chain of custody. provider Edition has agent that manages its access rights. publisherNumber Edition has publisher number assigned by a music publisher to a sound single record recording or a packaged group of recordings. ocn Edition has OCLC Control Number (OCN) that acts as a unique numeric identifier.
Example code
GET command:
- WorldCat Entities data for OCLC Meridian subscribers - Example code
{ "@context":, "id":, "dateOfBirth": [ { "type": [ "time:Instant" ], "time:inDateTime": { "type": [ "time:DateTimeDescription" ], "time:day": { "type":, "@value": "----29" }, "time:year": { "type":, "@value": "1953" }, "time:month": { "type":, "@value": "--07" }, "time:hasTRS": { "id": }, "time:unitType": { "id": "time:unitDay" } }, "time:inXSDDateTimeStamp": { "type":, "@value": "1953-07-29T00:00:00Z" } } ], "prefLabel": { "ar": "كين بيرنز", "ca": "Ken Burns", "cs": "Ken Burns", "da": "Ken Burns", "de": "Ken Burns", "en": "Ken Burns", "eo": "Ken Burns", "es": "Ken Burns", "eu": "Ken Burns", "fa": "کن برنز", "fi": "Ken Burns", "fr": "Ken Burns", "ga": "Ken Burns", "gl": "Ken Burns", "he": "קן ברנס", "hu": "Ken Burns", "hy": "Քեն Բըրնս", "id": "Ken Burns", "it": "Ken Burns", "ja": "ケン・バーンズ", "mg": "Ken Burns", "nb": "Ken Burns", "nl": "Ken Burns", "nn": "Ken Burns", "pa": "ਕੈਨ ਬਰਨਸ", "pt": "Ken Burns", "ru": "Бёрнс, Кен", "sl": "Ken Burns", "sq": "Ken Burns", "sr": "Ken Berns", "sv": "Ken Burns", "ta": "கென் பர்ன்ஸ்", "tr": "Ken Burns", "uk": "Кен Бернс", "vi": "Ken Burns", "yo": "Ken Burns", "zh": "肯·伯恩斯", "arz": "كين بيرنز", "ast": "Ken Burns", "pap": "Ken Burns", "war": "Ken Burns", "pt-br": "Ken Burns", "be-tarask": "Кен Бэрнз" }, "altLabel": { "cs": [ "Kenneth L.(Kenneth Lauren) Burns" ], "de": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "en": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns", "Kenneth L. Burns", "Kenneth Burns" ], "es": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "gl": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "nn": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "ru": [ "Кен Бёрнс" ], "sv": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns", "Burns" ], "tr": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "ast": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ], "und": [ "Ken Burns" ] }, "givenName": { "en": [ "Kenneth Lauren Burns" ] }, "type": [ "Person" ], "description": { "ar": "مخرج أفلام من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية", "ca": "productor de documentals estatunidenc", "cs": "americký filmový dokumentarista", "de": "US-amerikanischer Regisseur", "dv": "އެމެރިކާއަށް އުފަން އެކްޓަރެއް", "en": "American documentary filmmaker", "fa": "کارگردان آمریکایی", "fr": "réalisateur américain de documentaires", "it": "regista e produttore di documentari statunitense", "ml": "അമേരിക്കയിലെ ചലച്ചിത്ര അഭിനേതാവ്", "nl": "Amerikaans filmregisseur", "uk": "американський кінорежисер і продюсер документальних фільмів", "yo": "Òṣèré Ọmọ Orílẹ̀-èdè America", "zh": "美国纪录片制片人", "pap": "direktor di sine merikano", "be-tarask": "амэрыканскі рэжысэр" } }