Results display

Learn how search results are displayed based on the number of user notes returned in WebDewey.
Number of notes found Results display
No user notes found The system displays the following message at the top of the Search screen:  

No Records Found for Your Search

Please change or simplify your search and try again.
1 user note found The full user note appears, in display mode.
Up to 10 user notes The system displays the message:

[number] records found searching for [search query] in [WebDewey] User Notes
  • The results screen lists the DDC number (if any) and title for all retrieved notes.
  • Brief entries for notes appear in DDC-number order. Notes not associated with a DDC number appear last.
  • When multiple notes for the same DDC number are retrieved, the note most recently added is listed first.
11 or more user notes The system displays the message:

[number] records found searching for [search query] in [WebDewey] User Notes
  • The results screen lists the DDC number (if any) and title for the first 10 retrieved user notes.
  • The View List box lets you type an entry number to display 10 entries beginning with that number. The left and right arrow buttons let you move forward or back 10 entries. The View Record box lets you type an entry number to view the full note.
  • Brief entries for notes appear in DDC-number order. Notes not associated with a DDC number appear last.
  • When multiple notes for the same DDC number are retrieved, the note most recently added is listed first.