User note actions summary

Find the actions available when displaying or editing a user note in WebDewey.
Context Action Meaning/Purpose
Displaying a user note (not in edit mode) Edit Note Go to edit mode to modify the note.
Derive New Note Generate an exact copy of the current user note to begin creating a similar user note.
Delete Note Remove the displayed note from your library's Dewey user notes database.
Editing a user note (in edit mode) Display Note Go to a display view of the user note you are editing.
Cancel Changes Discard changes made to the user note since you began editing.
Delete Note Remove the note from your library's Dewey user notes database.
Derive New Note Generate an exact copy of the current user note to begin creating a similar user note.
Display DDC Record Display the DDC record associated with the note. Available for notes that refer to a specific class number.
Save Note New user note

Add the user note you are editing to your library's Dewey user notes database.

Existing user note (modified)

Use the edited version of the user note to replace the previous version in your library's Dewey user notes database.
Displaying a user note (in edit mode) Back to Editing Return to the edit view of the user note.
Cancel Changes Discard changes made to the user note since you began editing.
Delete Note Remove the note from your library's Dewey user notes database.
Derive New Note Generate an exact copy of the current user note to begin creating a similar user note.
Display DDC Record Display the DDC record associated with the note. Available for notes that refer to a specific class number.