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Hieronder hebben we Engelstalige voorbeelden gebruikt. Zodra er in het GGC Nederlandstalige records van objecten zijn ingevoerd, kunnen onderstaande voorbeelden geleidelijk worden vervangen door Nederlandstalige.


In de voorbeelden hebben we kmc 65XX gebruikt voor het vermelden van 'Classificerende termen', 'Trefwoorden inzake stijlen / periodes / groepen / bewegingen' en 'Trefwoorden getoonde onderwerp'. In paragraaf Diverse soorten trefwoorden hebben we aangegeven dat per instelling bekeken dient te worden in welke kmc's, al dan niet op algemeen niveau, diverse soorten trefwoorden het beste kunnen worden ondergebracht.

Voorbeeld amfora


0500 Vax
1160 363/362 BCE
3011 @Nikodemos
3200 @Panathenaic amphora
3255 Los Angeles (California, United States), J. Paul Getty Museum : 93.AE.55
3261 @Panathenaic prize amphora and lid (former name)
4000 @Prize Vessel from the Athenian Games
4030 Athens (Greece)
4062 Height with lid, 89.5 cm (35 1/4 inches); circumference at shoulder, 115 cm (15 1/16 inches)
4200 1 amphora, 1 lid
4207 Side A: Athena Promachos; Side B: Nike Crowning the Victor, with the Judge on the Right and the Defeated Opponent on the Left. The figure of Athena is portrayed in an Archaistic style. The particular use of Nike figures atop the akanthos columns flanking Athena allow scholars to date this vase to precisely 363/362 BCE. The Panathenaia, a state religious festival, honored Athena; the festival included athletic, musical, and other competitions. Amphorae filled with oil pressed from olives from the sacred trees of Athena were given as prizes in the Panathenaic Games.
4220 Attributed to the Painter of the Wedding Procession as painter (Greek vase painter, active ca. 360s BCE); signed by Nikodemos as potter (Attic potter, active ca. 362 BCE)
4501 Wheel-turned terracotta, sintering
4502 Terracotta
4503 Turning
4503 Sintering
4503 Vase painting
4516 Getty Villa Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, California, United States)
4522 Signed by Nikodemos
6500 Ceramics (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6501 Greek and Roman art (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6510 Black-figure (Toelichting: Trefwoord inzake stijlen / periodes / groepen / bewegingen)
6511 Attic (Toelichting: Trefwoord inzake stijlen / periodes / groepen / bewegingen)
6520 Religion/mythology (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6521 Object (utilitarian) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6522 Ceremonial object (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6523 Athena Promachos (Greek iconography) (side A) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6524 Human female (side A) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6525 Nike Victor competition (side B) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6526 Human females (side B) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6527 Prize (side B) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)


Voorbeeld gebouw


0500 Vax
1160 Begun in 27 BCE, completely rebuilt 118/119-125/128
3011 Publius Aelius@Hadrianus$pat$
3200 @Temple
3200 @Rotunda
3200 @Church
3261 @Santa Maria ad Martyres (former name)
3262 @Santa Maria Rotunda (former name)
4000 @Pantheon
4062 Dome: 43 m (interior diameter and height) (141 feet); oculus: 8.9 m (diameter) (29 feet 2 inches)
4207 The Pantheon was dedicated to the seven planetary gods in 128 CE. It was consecrated as a church in the early seventh century. It is the major surviving example of Roman concrete vaulted architecture. It is composed of a domed rotunda attached to a columned entrance portico. Now free-standing, it was originally the focal point of a long, porticoed forecourt. (Ward-Perkins, Roman Architecture (1977); MacDonald, The Pantheon (1976); Torres, Cenni sulla forma primitiva del Pantheon (1838))
4220 Unknown Roman architect, for the Emperor Hadrian (Roman emperor and patron, 76 CE-138 CE, ruled 117-138)
4501 Constructed of stone, brick, concrete, and aggregate material; the drum is strengthened by huge brick arches and piers set above one another inside the walls
4502 Concrete
4502 Stone
4502 Brick
4502 Concrete
4502 Aggregate
4503 Rotunda
4516 Rome (Italy)
6500 Architecture (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6501 Greek and Roman art (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6520 Architecture (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6521 Religion/mythology (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6522 Worship (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6523 Planetary (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6524 Gods (Greek and Roman iconography) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6525 Queen of Martyrs (Veneration of the Virgin Mary) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)


Voorbeeld fotocollectie


0500 Iax
1100 1936-1997
3000 Julius@Shulman$pht$ (Toelichting: pht = photographer)
3011 Thornton@Abell$aut$ (Toelichting: aut = author)
3012 Gregory@Ain$aut$
3013 John Porter@Clark$aut$
3014 William@Cody$aut$
3015 Julius Ralph@Davidson$aut$
3016 Charles@Eames$aut$
3200 @Photographic prints
3200 @Negatives
3200 @Color transparencies
3200 @Contact sheets
3200 @Color slides
3255 Los Angeles (California, United States), Getty Research Institute : 2004.R.10
4000 @Julius Shulman Photography Archive
4060 Over 260,000 items
4062 ca. 240 linear feet
4207 Arrangement: Organized in 5 series: Series I. Indices; Series II. Photography arranged by architect/designer; Series III. Photography arranged by topic; Series IV. Photography arranged by job number; Series V. Photography for display. Summary: Collection contains over 260,000 negatives, vintage and modern prints, transparencies, and related printed matter documenting the modern movement in architecture in Southern California from the 1930s through 1997, including the Case Study Houses.
4220 Julius Shulman (American photographer, born 1910) and others
4501 Gelatin silver prints, various other materials and techniques
4502 Gelatin silver prints
4502 Photographic prints
4502 Negatives
4502 Color transparencies
4502 Contact sheets
4502 Color slides
4516 Getty Research Institute, Research Library, Special Collections, Getty Center, (Los Angeles, California, United States)
4522 Various
6500 Photographs (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6501 American art (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6502 Architecture (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6520 architecture (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6521 houses (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6522 Los Angeles (California, United States) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6523 Eames House (Los Angeles, California) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6524 Kaufmann Desert House (Palm Springs, California) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6525 Case Study House No. 9 (Los Angeles, California) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6526 Angels Flight Railway (Los Angeles, California) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6527 Beverly Hills Hotel (Beverly Hills, California) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)


Voorbeeld theeservies



0500 Vax
1100 1910 $ ca. 1910
3000 Josef@Hoffman$dsr$ (Toelichting: dsr = designer)
3121 @Wiener Werkstätte$mfr$ (Toelichting: mfr = manufacturer)
3200 @Tea service
3255 New York (New York, United States), Metropolitan Museum of Art : 2000.278.1-.9
4000 @Tea Service
4030 Vienna (Austria)
4060 10 dl
4062 larger teapot: 13.7 cm (height) (5 3/8 inches)
4200 2 teapots, 2 lids, 1 creamer, 1 milk pitcher, 1 sugar bowl, 1 tongs, 1 tray, 1 warming stand
4207 This service was made for the Wiener Werkstätte, the company of designers, artists, and craftsmen founded in Vienna in 1903 to produce luxury objects in the most advanced style.
4220 Designer: Josef Hoffmann (Austrian, 1870-1956); manufacturer: Wiener Werkstätte (Austrian, 1903-1932)
4501 Silver, ebony, amethyst, carnelian
4502 Silver
4502 Ebony
4502 Amethyst
4502 Carnelian
4516 Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, New York, United States)
4522 All pieces are individually hallmarked and the sugar bowl has the additional stamp - "WEINER WERKSTÄTTE" impressed in the base
6500 Decorative arts (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6501 Modern art (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6520 Object (utilitarian) (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6521 Tea (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)


Voorbeeld schilderij



0500 Iax
1100 1785-1795
3000 Beardsley@Limner$art$ (Toelichting: art = artist)
3200 @Painting
3255 Washington (DC, United States), National Gallery of Art : 1953.5.24
4000 @Girl in a Pink Dress
4030 Massachusetts (United States)
4062 101.8 x 72.1 cm (40 1/8 x 28 3/8 inches)
4203 1953 gift to NGA (National Gallery of Art)
4207 The sitter is unknown, but is thought to have been from Massachusetts.
4220 Beardsley Limner (American, active 1785-1805)
4227 18th century, recorded as from Massachusetts. Richard C. Morrison, Fenway Art Center, Boston; 1949 sold to Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch
4501 Oil on canvas
4502 Oil paint (medium)
4502 Canvas (support)
4515 Little-Known Connecticut Artist 1790-1810, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, 1957-1958
4515 American Primitive Paintings Exhibit, organized by the Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, California, for the de Saisset Art Gallery, University of Santa Clara, 1968
4515 Beardsley Limner and Some Contemporaries, A.A. Rockefeller Folk Art Center, Williamsburg; Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey; New Haven Colony Historical Society, Connecticut, 1972-1973
4515 American Naive Paintings from the National Gallery of Art, Terra Museum of American Art, Evanston, Illinois, 1981-1982
4516 National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC, United States)
6500 Paintings (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6501 American art (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6510 Naive art (Toelichting: Trefwoord inzake stijlen / periodes / groepen / bewegingen)
6520 Portrait (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6521 Human figure (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6522 Female (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6523 Child (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)


Voorbeeld standbeeld / archeologische vondst



0500 Vax
1160 Middle Minoan Palace period, ca. 1600 BCE
3200 @Statue
3255 Heraklion (Crete, Greece), Heraklion Museum : no. 65
4000 @Snake Goddess
4062 34.29 cm (height) (13 1/2 inches)
4207 She represents a goddess or priestess. Figure wears a tight Minoan bodice that reveals bare breasts and a tall tiara with animal (owl or cat) perched on top; snakes are wrapped around her waist and arms; mending is apparent on both upper arms, neck and headdress. There are painted linear decorations on the apron, skirt, and hem.
4220 Unknown Minoan sculptor
4501 Terracotta, faience
4502 Terracotta
4502 Faience
4516 Heraklion Museum (Heraklion, Crete, Greece)
4525 Central sanctuary, Palace (Knossos, Crete, Greece)
6500 Sculpture (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6501 Greek and Roman art (Toelichting: Classificerende term)
6520 Human figure (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6521 Goddess (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6522 Priestess (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6523 Snakes (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)
6524 Female (Toelichting: Trefwoord getoonde onderwerp)