Search result record summary (Fundamentals)

Find an overview of the information available in the search result record summary provided for bibliographic and local holdings (LHRs) records in WorldShare Record Manager Fundamentals.

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Record Manager, please see Search result record summary.

A record summary exists for each bibliographic and local holdings record search result.

Record summary for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

  1. Cover Art - The artwork for the item, such as the book cover.
  2. Information Icon - Click this icon to open a pop-up window that contains additional record information about the item.
  3. Title - The title of the item. Click the title to open the full bibliographic record.
  4. Author(s) and Edition Statement - The author(s) and edition statement of the item.
  5. Format - The format of the item.
  6. Publishing Information - The publisher name, publisher location, and year of publication.
  7. ISBN Number - The ISBN number that is associated with the item.
  8. Series - The series to which the item belongs.
  9. The final row in the record summary contains the following information:
    • Original Cataloging Agency - The organization that created the original record; Transcribing Agency - The organization that transcribed the record into machine-readable form; Authentication Code - Indicates that a record has been reviewed and authenticated. See 042 Authentication Code for code definitions.
    • Language of Cataloging - The language that is used to catalog the item.
    • Encoding Level - The degree of completeness of the MARC record. See ELvl Encoding Level for level definitions; OCLC Number - The OCLC number for the record.
  10. Open Details - Click this link to open the Full Record Details screen for the item.