View linked bibliographic records (Fundamentals)

Discover how to view parts linked to the Parent title and bibliographic records linked to a work from the MARC 21 editor in WorldShare Record Manager Fundamentals.

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Record Manager, please see View linked bibliographic records.

View parts linked to the Parent title

When searching for a MARC 21 bibliographic record, you can view the parts linked to a parent title. The record must have a 773 and/or an 830 with a subfield $w, which must contain a valid OCLC control number with the syntax (OCoLC), for the Display Parts or Display Parent Record(s) link to display.

  1. From the search results screen, locate the parent record.
  2. Click Display Parts. The volume record(s) appear.
  3. Click Display Parent Record(s) to return to the parent record.

View bibliographic records linked to the work

When working on a MARC 21 bibliographic record, you can view linked records which are records that are clustered together because they represent different versions of the same creative work.

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, click Other Records Linked to Work to open the accordion. The table in this accordion lists the title, date, language, publication, and format for each version of the work.
  2. (Optional). Click the link on the Other Records Linked to Work accordion to view the corresponding parent work page. The work page provides a summary of the work, including information about the Type, Genre, and Summary of the item. The page also lists all linked child records.