IEEE (Fundamentals)

Get WorldCat records, holdings, and full-text links for content from IEEE.

Get started

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Collection Manager, see Use Collection Manager for content from a specific provider.

If you need access to Collection Manager Fundamentals (the Metadata tab in the WorldShare interface), follow the steps to Create a Collection Manager Fundamentals account.

 This provider has OCLC cataloged collections. Use the instructions below for information specific to this provider.


Collection names and IDs

There are many collections in the global WorldCat knowledge base. Use the collection data in the table to help you find the relevant collections. If your collection is not returned when you search within Collection Manager, try entering a root word and an asterisk (*) as a truncation operator. For example: IEEE*

IEEE Xplore Wiley Telecommunications eBooks 2023

Collection name(s) for searching Collection ID(s) for searching
IEEE Xplore Artech House eBooks 2021 ieee.artechbooks2021
IEEE Xplore Artech House eBooks 2022 ieee.artechbooks2022
IEEE Xplore Artech House eBooks 2023 ieee.artechbooks2023
IEEE Xplore Artech House eBooks 2024 ieee.artechbooks2024
IEEE Xplore Manning eBooks 2023 ieee.manningbooks2023
IEEE Xplore Manning eBooks Library ieee.manningbooks
IEEE Xplore MIT Press eBooks 2021 ieee.mitbooks2021
IEEE Xplore MIT Press eBooks 2022 ieee.mitbooks2022
IEEE Xplore MIT Press eBooks 2023 ieee.mitbooks2023
IEEE Xplore MIT Press eBooks 2024 ieee.mitbooks2024
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks 2021 ieee.nowbooks2021
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks 2022 ieee.nowbooks2022
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks 2023 ieee.nowbooks2023
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks 2024 ieee.nowbooks2024
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Computer Science Collection 2020 ieee.nowbookscompsci2020
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Computer Science Collection 2021 ieee.nowbookscompsci2021
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Computer Science Collection 2022 ieee.nowbookscompsci2022
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Computer Science Collection 2023 ieee.nowbookscompsci2023
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Computer Science Collection 2024 ieee.nowbookscompsci2024
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Engineering Collection 2020 ieee.nowbookseng2020
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Engineering Collection 2021 ieee.nowbookseng2021
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Engineering Collection 2022 ieee.nowbookseng2022
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Engineering Collection 2023 ieee.nowbookseng2023
IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Engineering Collection 2024 ieee.nowbookseng2024
IEEE Xplore Packt Publishing eBooks 2023 ieee.packtebooks2023
IEEE Xplore Packt Publishing eBooks 2024 ieee.packtebooks2024
IEEE Xplore Packt Publishing eBooks Library ieee.packtebooks
IEEE Xplore Princeton University Press eBooks 2022 ieee.princetonbooks2022
IEEE Xplore Princeton University Press eBooks 2023 ieee.princetonbooks2023
IEEE Xplore Princeton University Press eBooks 2024 ieee.princetonbooks2024
IEEE Xplore Princeton University Press eBooks Library ieee.princetonbooks
IEEE Xplore River Publishers eBooks 2021 ieee.riverbooks2021
IEEE Xplore River Publishers eBooks 2022 ieee.riverbooks2022
IEEE Xplore River Publishers eBooks 2023 ieee.riverbooks2023
IEEE Xplore River Publishers eBooks 2024 ieee.riverbooks2024
IEEE Xplore SAE eBooks 2021 ieee.saebooks2021
IEEE Xplore SAE eBooks 2022 ieee.saebooks2022
IEEE Xplore SAE eBooks 2023 ieee.saebooks2023
IEEE Xplore SAE eBooks 2024 ieee.saebooks2024
IEEE Xplore Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks Library ieee.wileydatacybersecurity
IEEE Xplore Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks Library 2023 ieee.wileydatacybersecurity2023
IEEE Xplore Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks Library 2024 ieee.wileydatacybersecurity2024
IEEE Xplore Wiley Semiconductors eBooks Library ieee.wileysemiconductors
IEEE Xplore Wiley Telecommunications eBooks 2021 ieee.wileytelecom2021
IEEE Xplore Wiley Telecommunications eBooks 2022 ieee.wileytelecom2022
IEEE Xplore Wiley Telecommunications eBooks 2023 ieee.wileytelecom2023
IEEE Xplore Wiley Telecommunications eBooks 2024 ieee.wileytelecom2024
IEEE-Wiley eBooks 2021 (IEEE Xplore) ieee.wileybooks2021
IEEE-Wiley eBooks 2022 (IEEE Xplore) ieee.wileybooks2022
IEEE-Wiley eBooks 2023 (IEEE Xplore) ieee.wileybooks2023
IEEE-Wiley eBooks 2024 (IEEE Xplore) ieee.wileybooks2024

Add the collections to your knowledge base

Choose a method to add or create a knowledge base collection:

Choose the instructions that apply to your needs

Get WorldCat MARC records

Record delivery is available both to libraries with and to libraries without an OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription.

Enable MARC record delivery in the institution settings

  1. Navigate to Settings > MARC Records.
  2. Select Yes for Enable MARC Record Delivery.

Once you enable record delivery, tabs of settings will appear: Customize Records, WorldCat Updates, Record Delivery, Cataloging Partner Options. You can leave the default settings or customize your records. By default, the following will be included in your records:

Customize your record profile (optional)

Define customizations that will apply across your collections in the Customize Records tab. For additional information, see Configure institution MARC Records settings for knowledge base collections.

Default and frequently defined record customization

By default, the following fields and data will be included in your records:

  • 049 $a: Holding library code (For example: MAIN)
  • 590 $a: Provider Name
  • 590 $b: Collection Name

Frequently defined record customization:

Delete Fields:

  • 029

Add Fields:

  • 945 $a: Transaction Type – New, Updated, Deleted
  • 740 $a: Collection-level notes. Note: If you map collection-level notes to a field in your records, remember to add a note within one or more of your collections.

Knowledge Base Collection 856 Field:

  • Add Subfield: z
  • Enter Free Form Text: Click here for access (Your 856 links will include $zClick here for access)

Enable collection-level record setting

  1. Search for the collection and open it. Expand the Holdings and MARC Records accordion.

  2. Choose Use institution setting: [Your institution settings will be displayed here].

After you enable record delivery in the collection, you will see the following tabs of settings: Customize Records, Record Delivery. You can leave the default settings or configure collection-level settings.

Configure collection-level settings (optional)

Define collection-level settings if desired. Listed below are some frequently used settings. For additional information, see Enable record delivery within your collection.

Configure separate file delivery

Many libraries choose to have their file of records delivered in a separate file. To configure separate file delivery:

  1. Click on the Record Delivery tab and find the Delivery File Output settings. Select Change to deliver records for this collection in a separate file.
  2. From the resulting Record Delivery Templates screen, select Deliver records for this collection in a separate file
  3. Specify a file name that already exists or enter a new file name in which to deliver records using the Record Delivery Template.
    • Collection Manager will output the records from the collection in a separate file and include the file name you entered between the time stamp and the file extension. Example where [XXX] represents your library symbol:
Troubleshoot MARC record delivery
  1. Are the correct number of titles selected in your collections?
    • Once the holdings feed has been processed, the correct number of titles should be selected within one week. Do not select the collection manually unless explicitly directed to do so.  Selecting the collections manually will result in a significant delay in processing of your holdings feed.
  2. Have you enabled MARC records at the institution level?
    • Navigate to Collection Manager Fundamentals > Settings > MARC Records and ensure the Enable MARC Records Delivery option is set to Yes.
  3. Have you enabled MARC record delivery within the collection?
    • Navigate to the collection and expand Holdings and MARC Records.  Ensure that the Enable MARC Record Delivery option is set to Use institution settings.
  4. Is the delivery frequency for record delivery set to daily?
    • Remember that delivery frequency can be set per collection and this collection-level setting will override the institution-level delivery frequency set under Collection Manager Fundamentals > Settings. If you set your collection to Weekly or Monthly record delivery, then they will have to wait for your first delivery.  If you change delivery to Daily, an initial delivery is triggered.  After receiving this initial delivery, you can then set it to Monthly or Weekly for on-going delivery of records if necessary.

Manage WorldCat holdings

WorldCat holdings maintenance is available only to libraries with an OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription.

  1. Navigate to Institution Settings > WorldCat Holdings.
  2. Set Maintain holdings in WorldCat to Yes.

The collection-level setting for knowledge base collections will be enabled by default. For complete instructions, see Institution Settings, WorldCat holdings.

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