Understand My Files reports (Fundamentals)

Data sync collections produce processing and exception reports per file for every Bibliographic record provided along with results for the associated WorldCat holdings update and LBD request.

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Collection Manager, see Understand My Files reports

Please note: When the system identifies duplicate records or multiple matches in your submitted data sync file, the file will be rerun in an attempt to resolve the issue. Multiple reports and files may be generated for each retry.


  • Download My Files reports (Fundamentals)
    Learn how to download a file using My Files in WorldShare Collection Manager Fundamentals.  Find information about the columns in My Files, file size limits, and file retention.
  • My Files reports for Bibliographic or Delete WorldCat Holdings collections (Fundamentals)
    Learn about data sync collections reports included in My Files. These include processing results for bibliographic records, local holdings records, WorldCat holdings updates, and local bibliographic data records as well as My Library Records.
  • My Files reports (Fundamentals)
    Learn about data sync collections reports included in My Files. These include processing results for bibliographic records, local holdings records, WorldCat holdings updates, and local bibliographic data records as well as My Library Records.