Enable record delivery in your collection (Fundamentals)

Enable record delivery within each of your OCLC cataloged collections. Add collection-specific notes and configure collection settings like separate file delivery.

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Collection Manager, see Enable record delivery in your collection

Navigate to your collection

  1. Search for the collection. See Search for collections in Collection Manager Fundamentals for help.
  2. Click on the name of the collection to open it.
  3. Expand the Holdings and MARC Records accordion.

Configure the following settings

Configure the following settings in the Holdings and MARC Records accordion.

Maintain WorldCat Holdings

WorldCat holdings must be enabled in the institution settings in order for the collection-level setting to maintain WorldCat holdings to appear. For information on how to enable holdings at the institution level, see WorldCat Holdings.


  • Use institution setting (default)*
  • Disable or delete for this collection

*Open-access collections are disabled by default.

Enable MARC record delivery

 Note: MARC record delivery is available for OCLC Cataloged collections only.

 Caution: The collection-level MARC record delivery options will not be available until you enable MARC record delivery in the institution Settings.

  • Use institution setting: [Your institution settings will be displayed here]
  • Disable for this collection (default)

After you enable record delivery in the collection, you will see the following tabs of settings:

  • Customize Records
  • Record Delivery

Customize Records

Local Bibliographic Data

Leave the default setting or override institution settings for LBD. Settings:

  • Use institution setting (default)
  • Disable for this collection
Local Holdings Records

Leave the default setting or override institution settings for LHRs. Settings:

  • Use institution setting (default)
  • Disable for this collection
OCLC Symbols

Leave the default setting or override the OCLC symbols you included at the institution level for LHRs and/or Local Bibliographic Data. Settings:

  • Use institution setting (default)
  • Use these OCLC symbols for LHRs and local bibliographic data
MARC Custom Text

If you mapped custom text to your records in the Customize Records tab, add collection-level text in the corresponding field(s).


If desired, use the Define Custom Text Labels button to change the text label from "Custom Text 1" to something more meaningful. See Collection Custom Text for more information.

Record Delivery

Delivery Frequency

Leave the default setting or override the institution setting for Delivery Frequency. Settings:

  • Use institution setting (default)
  • Specify delivery frequency for this collection. Settings: 
    • Daily (default)
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly

If the same item/OCLC number is in multiple collections and the collections are set to different delivery frequencies, you could get the same record multiple times.

Subsequent Record Output

Change the default setting if you want a complete set of records with every delivery. Settings:

  • Include only records with changes (updated, added or deleted) after initial delivery (default)
    • This setting is selected by default. After your first delivery of records, you will receive new, updated, and delete records that reflect changes to titles and collection data.
  • Include a complete set of records with every delivery
    • This setting is available for libraries that would like to receive both records with changes and records for titles that have not changed each time records are delivered.
      • Records will be received in New, Updates, and Deletes files.  Records for titles/OCLC numbers that have previously been delivered will appear in an Updates file with each delivery, even if there were no changes to the records. A separate file of new records will include titles added to collections that have not previously been delivered via WorldShare Collection Manager Fundamentals. Additionally, a separate file of deleted records may also be delivered for titles to which you no longer have access.
Delivery File Output

You have the option to have records output in a separate file. By default, all records will be output in the same files (New, Updates, and Deletes files) along with records from other collections. Settings:

  • Deliver records for this collection in the same file as other collections (default)
  • Deliver records for this collection in a separate file
Have records delivered in a separate file
  1. Navigate to the collection and expand the Holdings and MARC Records accordion.
  2. In the Record Delivery tab, find the Delivery File Output settings and select Deliver records for this collection in a separate file.
  3. Enter for the collection a file name of up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
  4. Note that you have the option to group records from multiple collections for output in a separate file by entering the same file name in the collections.
  5. By default, Isolate this file output from other collection activity is unselected. Leave the setting unselected unless one of the following statements is true for you. See the "Isolate file output from other collection activity" below for more information:
    • Your ILS requires that records for electronic resources contain a single URL even when a title is available in multiple collections

Collection Manager Fundamentals will output the records from the collection in a separate file and include the file name you entered between the time stamp and the file extension. Example where [XXX] represents your library symbol:


Isolate file output from other collection activity

The setting to isolate file output from other collections is associated with how Collection Manager Fundamentals processes data for a record in relation to record data in items from other collections. The option is available in knowledge base collections in Collection Manager Fundamentals.

When to select the option in knowledge base collections

Select the isolate file option if your ILS requires a separate record with a single URL for every instance of an electronic title. In other words, select the option to isolate the collection if you want records to only contain the URL from their collection even though you might have the title in multiple knowledge base collections in Collection Manager Fundamentals.

By default (with this setting unselected), Collection Manager Fundamentals will deliver multiple URLs in a single record for a knowledge base title.

To find the setting to isolate the file output:

  1. Navigate to the collection and to Holdings and MARC Records > Record Delivery > Delivery File Output.
  2. Select the option to Deliver records for this collection in a separate file and enter a file name.

 Note: For a complete list of settings, see Collection-level settings in knowledge base collections.

Watch a video

Enable MARC records for each collection (5:50)

This video demonstrates how to enable MARC records for each collection, as well as customize collection-level record options and record delivery options using WorldShare Collection Manager Fundamentals.



Next steps

Download files in My Files.